YOLO... right?

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We had just finished our last song and I go into the back to get the glow paint off of my face and get changed. Sara follows me knowing that I'm going to need her help.

"I don't believe you're going through with this. He's so... while we're so..." Sara rambles on and on as I wash everything off. I quickly strip and get changed, Sara sets out my hair and make-up stuff. As I begin applying mascara and the sorts she begins to fishtail braid my hair down my back.

 It wasn't too tight, giving it a messy sort of look. It fit me perfectly. I'm ecstatic that my parents think I'm spending the night at Sara's. I slip on a pair of canvas Toms and turn to smile at Sara.

 "Damn." I laugh at her response to my appearance. I begin stuffing things in my bag until my flask falls out and clatters to the floor.

 "Samantha, what's this?" Sara asks picking it up. I shrug and take it from her. Placing it back in my bag with the rest of belongings.

 "I use it for water," I lie hopefully convincingly. She nods and turns around, just in time too for the door opens. Patric walks in wearing faded jeans still slung low on his waist. His shirt was a white V-neck. Tonight was going to be awesome.

"Samantha you ready?" he asks with a smirk on his lips. I hand my phone to Sara for a pic to put on Instagram. She snaps it quickly and I upload it within moments. I slide it back into my pocket and turn to Sara.

"See you later," she says. I wave and walk out the door with Patric. He automatically slings his arm around my waist and leads me out the back exit to his car. I open the door and set my bag by my feet. I buckle myself in as Patric slides in next to me. He turns on the car and I can feel the engine humming beneath me.

"So where are we going?" I ask him intently. He has one hand on the wheel and the other drumming on the dash. he flashes me one of his prize winning smiles that tells me I'm not allowed to know. For some reason that doesn't worry it only makes me more excited.

"Look in the back. You might find something you like back there," he offers. I turn on my seat and search for what he could be talking about. My eyes are drawn to a 12 pack of bud light. A smile lights up my face and I pull it out.

I pop off the top and take a swig. It wasn't quite as strong as my Vodka but it would do the job all the same. We're rolling down an empty highway at 70 mph yet none of our surroundings register in my mind as I polish off that bottle.

I lean the seat back and take out another bottle. It didn't matter to me if it was warm I just loved the way the alcohol made me feel. I catch a glimpse of something bright. I focus on it and see it's a florescent orange box.

I pull the box closer to see that they're condoms. I take one and slip it into my bra. Might need it later. The last time I was wasted we blew up glow in the dark ones and played light saber. But that was with a bunch of girls. I have something else on my mind.

I take another swig as we pull into a gravel driveway. We take the bumps for about 5 minutes until we pull up to a large cabin in the middle of the woods. There was a pond about 40 yards from the back of it. A bunch of kids were hanging out on the front porch. By kids I mean college kids. 

"I'm not drunk enough for a college party," I mumble. Patric slides out of the car. I finish off my second beer and start in the third before trying to get out of the car. Patric is doing something in the back when I slide out.

"Sam. You ready?" he asks with a lit up face. I grab another beer and take a sip out of the one dangling between my fingers.

"Yep. Most definitely not drunk enough for this. Yolo right?" I smile. Patric puts his hand on my hip, almost possessively this time. I'm most definitely not leaving his grip tonight. Not like I would want to anyways.

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