Earn your stripes

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I step into the main room. It was large with 4 odd couches. They didn't match each other, that is if you could see through the smoke that filled the air. The room was crowded with people, obviously drunk, dancing on each other.

I could barely hear Patric through the loud dubstep music when he said something. I leaned a little closer to hear him.

"This is your first college party. You better earn your stripes," I turn to him and give him a sly smile. I press my opened bottle against my lips as take a step out. I know how to earn my stripes. I turn to the girl I had stepped next to and whispered in her ear.

"Strip truth or dare. Round up everyone who wants in. Must have alcohol," the red head turns and smiles nodding at me. She soon disappears and I step closer to Patric. He has the rest of the 12 pack in his hand and he flashes me an excited smile.  

"You ready?" he nods and we lead the way to a back room. It was right next to the bathroom that for some reason was unoccupied. It was completely bare except for a full bed in the very corner. I sit down against the wall with Patric. I polish off my third bottle and reach for a fourth.

People started fling in. We all end up in a circle, quite a few people were telling Patric hey. Quite a few attractive girls. As each person sat down Patric was giving me a run by on who they were. Jocks, preps, punks. Everyone was here.

"Guys this is Samantha. Sam. These are my people," I nod at everyone and take another sip.

"Rules. We spin the bottle to figure out who gets asked. If you're given a dare and you refuse you shed an article of clothing. You ready?" everyone nods their heads I spin the bottle and start the game. The bottle spins and spins, landing on each victim. Lap dances are given, makeouts have happened and shirts are coming off. All of this going on around me as I sip my beer.

While on beer number 5 the bottle lands on me. Some blonde bimbo giggles and twirls her hair in her fingers as I swallow.

"This is your first college party isn't it?" she asks in a high pitch voice. I roll my eyes but nod. Everyone looks at each other with knowing eyes. I slink a little close to Patric slightly scared of what's about to happen.

"Truth or dare?" she giggles. I bite my lip but suck it up.

"Dare," everyone's eyes grow wide as if they weren't expecting that. Almost as if all newbies go for truth. Or they expected me to anyways.

"I dare you to do 7 minutes on heaven with the next person the bottle lands on," I shrug my shoulders. With my luck I'd get either Patric or the most sober straight chick in the room. So the bottle spins and lands on the blonde that gave my the dare. I automatically remember what Patric said about her. Lesbian. There was no way in hell I'm doing that.

"You know what? It's a little hot in here," I say and pull off my shirt. Everyone stares at me with great intent for a few moments.

"Stripes earned. Anyone else would've done it just to prove themselves," the blonde says. Somehow truth or dare turned to regular spin the bottle. I polish off beer number 7 as I can tell I'm getting buzzed.

The bottle slows down at me and I freak out. I don't want to kiss that blonde please don't be me. I've already taken off my shoes and lounged back. But the bottle doesn't land on me. I don't have to kiss the blonde.

Patric does.

Every fiber in my being wells up with jealousy. I just want to punch her in the face. But I know I should let the game go. I SHOULD just let it go. But as they lean over I can't. I'm not sure if it's my jealousy or the beer in my veins but I stick my leg out and stop Patric from leaning forward anymore.

"No." Everyone gasps at the word that slips out of my mouth. The word that makes my feelings for Patric clear. I don't want anyone else kissing him. Or groping him. Because in my mind, if only in my mind. He's mine.

"Samantha. Someone has to kiss the both of us," he states as if it were in a rule book. I bite my cheek thinking. I know for a fact that I don't want anyone on him.

"Anyone wanna kiss blondie over here?" I offer. In enough time she has someone attached to her lips. Patric turns to me and I lean close. At this point I'm too drunk to say no. I press my lips to his eagerly.

Patric's lips tasted only slightly of Bud light. My hand slips around his neck and I play with the ends of his hair. Either the room goes silent or I'm too caught up on our kiss to hear anything. Patric's hands wrap around my waist and he pulls me closer.

I pull back just far enough our lips are no longer touching to catch my breath. I look around and everyone's gone. I smile and look back at Patric. His eyes have turned dark green and they bore into mine.

"Sorry," I whisper going to slide off. But he holds my in place. 

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