Chapter 2

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  •When a father turns a certain age, things will start happening to you that you don't understand. It will confuse you, but it's a magical time.

  I felt Lucas' soft lips against mine,something I thought would never happen before. I slowly started to kiss back,not caring about everybody else that were probably staring at us.

  We pulled away and I asked him," you love me? For real?"

  "I love you more than anyone and anything in the world,Maya. I swear."

  I smiled just as I heard Mrs.Matthews call Riley's name from the counter. That's when it occurred to me,'Oh no! I forgot about Riley and Farkle! They must have seen us! I have to go talk to Riley.' I get up and run after Riley while shouting bye to Lucas.

*At the Matthews' apartment...*
  "Riley! Riley!"I run up to Riley's room.

  To my surprise,Farkle is there comforting Riley. I walk over to the bay window,where they are sitting at,and sit beside Riley. "Riles,are you ok? I'm sorry you saw that and all but...I thought you and Ranger Rick were brother and sister now? So...why are you upset that me and Huckleberry are together? Do have feelings for him?"I blurt out all at once.

  Riley turns to face me and wipes away her tears. "Maya,of course I don't have feelings for Lucas anymore! I guess...I just...need time to get used to this 'brother and sister' thing. I'm happy for you,Peaches,I really am."she smiled at me,making me smile back.

  We hugged but I still had the feeling Riley wasn't telling me something. "Ladies! Forgetting about me?"

  Riley and I turned to face Farkle before including him in the hug. After the hug,Farkle fainted on the floor,making us laugh hard. "I guess Riley and I are still best friends after all. I hope she finds her happiness too...and I won't get left...again..."

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