Chapter 11:Christmas Special (1)

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•Yeah, give her the talk, let's see what you know.

*Time skip to Christmas Eve...*
  "Beep! Beep! Beep!"

  I turned over to face my bedside table and used my hand to feel for the alarm clock since my eyes were still closed. I managed to find it quickly since I did this almost everyday. As soon as I slammed my hand down on it, the annoying sound stopped. "Stupid alarm clock..." I mumbled, half awake.

  I reluctantly got out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I went back to my room to grab my clothes and towel. Then, I made my way back to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

  15 minutes later, I came out, refreshed and wide awake. I had put on a white tank top and black shorts. I stepped into my room and saw the pile of presents I was going to bring to the Matthews' apartment.

  The pile was inclusive of my own Christmas presents too, of course. But, Riley, Farkle and Lucas were going to give me my presents later. As well as the Matthews' family, Shawn and my mum. Since my mum and Shawn are dating now, they decided to invite my mum too. Oh, the party isn't really just Riley's party, it's also Mr and Mrs.Matthews' party.

  'Lucas...I guess I'll just pretend to be strong later.' I thought. It had been two weeks since I gave Riley and Lucas my blessings. I still cried whenever I thought of that. My mum would try to comfort me and she would stay with me until I stopped crying.

  I cleared my mind of that and went to choose the outfit that I would be wearing later.

*Time skip to evening...*
  I finished the last touches to my makeup and looked at myself in the mirror. I had light red eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara, light pink blush and red lipstick. I was surprised at how good I was at makeup and smiled unknowingly.

  I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and looked at myself in the full-length mirror. I chose a red high neck empire dress that Shawn had ordered online for me at To match, I  wore black heels and tied my hair up in a neat ponytail.

  After looking at myself a few times, I decided to let my hair down. I felt more comfortable that way. I checked myself for the last time, picked up all the presents which were now in bags, my small red purse, and headed to the Matthews' apartment.

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