Chapter 13:Christmas Special (3)

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Author's note: I'm sorry for the late update! I was really busy so I didn't have time to update...

Anyways, enjoy this super long chapter to make up for it~ 😘

•No, I'm not going to look back and regret the things I didn't do. I wanna look back and regret the things I did do.

  All the hairs on my body stood up the moment that hand grabbed my waist. The person pulled me towards him, but luckily my back was facing him. Well...I assumed it was a male.

  "What are you doing?!" I screamed and raised my leg to kick the person.

  "Maya, it's me! Chill!"

  I realised that the person was Lucas. I put my leg down and he let go of me. I noticed Auggie and Ava staring at us so I gave them a glare. They hurriedly turned back to tearing open their presents.

  I faced Lucas and folded my arms across my chest. "Look, I'm sorry for grabbing your waist suddenly! I just...Riley and I need to talk to you."

  I sighed and told him, "Fine. But I need to go brush my teeth and take a quick shower first."

  He instantly smiled and nodded. I walked past him to Riley's room, where I slept for the night.

  When I entered, Riley was brushing her hair. She put her brush down and looked at me worriedly. "What?" I asked her.

  "You have 'troubled' written all over your face..." she answered.

  I rolled my eyes and went over to the bag of clothes my mum brought yesterday. I took out a blue crop top, black jeans, my undergarments and a towel. As I headed out the door to the bathroom, Riley shouted, "Come on, peaches! You can tell me anything!"

  I shouted back, "Nothing's wrong, Riles! Talk to you later!"

  15 minutes later, I was drying my hair in Riley's room. She was pouting even after I reassured her nothing was going on. I finished drying my hair and pulled Riley downstairs with me.

  As I expected, Lucas was already waiting there. "So, what did you and Riley want to tell me?"

  Riley looked surprised so Lucas started talking first. "Maya...I know you're upset about what Farkle said. But, I don't love Riley like that. I love her like a sister!"

  "I love Lucas like a brother too! We tried dating, but none of us could keep our minds off the people we really love. Maya, Lucas and I are true brother and sister now." Riley picked up after him.

  I was honestly shocked. One, from what they said. Two, I didn't know Riley loved somebody!? I shook my head to clear it and noticed that Riley had stepped back to where Farkle was.

  " you want to be my girlfriend...?" Lucas asked awkwardly.

  I pretended to think it over then I hugged him. "I'll take that as a yes!"

  "I never said no."

  I let go of him and looked up to see a mistletoe. Lucas looked up too and faced me. "Just kiss already! You're under a mistletoe!" Riley shouted from behind us.

  Both of us started blushing. Lucas leaned in, and I didn't do the same. Instead, I grabbed him by the collar and kissed him. He was taken aback but he soon hugged me closer.

  We pulled back then hugged again. " back to you two." I smiled deviously while turning towards Riley and Farkle.

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