Chapter 6

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•What? ... You're not my type.

  Instead of my turquoise shirt and blue jeans,I was wearing my blue PJs! I could feel my face start to heat up,probably because of what was running through my brain. Lucas must have seen me and had the same thought as me. "Uh...your mum was home just now,so uh...she was the one who changed for misunderstanding...?" he clarified while ruffling his hair.

  I sighed in relief as I got up from my bed. I took my phone from my bedside table and checked for any texts or calls while I was unconscious. To my surprise,I had 15 texts and 5 missed calls from Riley. I was wondering why,before I remembered that I had asked her to text me. 'She must be really worried about me since I didn't reply her texts or answer her calls.' I thought to myself.

  "Hey Maya,I need to use the bathroom so um...if you could show me the way...?"

  "Oh! Sure! Just turn right and walk straight to the end of the hallway." I looked up from my phone and gave Lucas the directions.


  As soon as he left the room,I proceeded to text Riley. All of the 15 texts that she sent were about the same though...

Riley:Hey Maya,I made it home before the rain got too heavy. I'm only a little wet. You?
Riley:Maya? Are you asleep? You asked me to text you remember?
Riley:Maya?! Maya?!
Riley:Maya?! Are you ok?!
Riley:Maya?! Answer me please!
Riley:Or are you still outside? You better hurry if you are! The rain is turning into a storm soon!
Riley:Maya,it's been 30 minutes! Please answer me!
Riley:I'm freaking out here! Hello?!
Riley:Maya,is everything okay?!
Riley:You usually reply me when I'm spamming you like this...
Riley:Oh god,PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!
Riley:Maya,did something happen to you?!
Riley:Lucas?! Lucas are you there with her?!
Riley:Maya,my phone is running out of battery. It's only 10% battery!
Riley:Peaches,I hope you're okay. Please answer me when you see this! I have to go charge my phone now. Please reply me or call me! I love you,Peaches!

  I wanted to kill myself for making Riles feel so worried about me. I started to text her back.

Me:Hey Riles,don't worry I'm okay! Sorry to make you so worried...

  Almost immediately,she texted me back.

Riley:OMG,peaches! You're okay! I thought something happened to you...
Me:Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be?

  "Uh,because you just fainted in the middle of the street and I had to carry you all the way to your house! Oh don't forget,you were out for a whole hour!"

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