Chapter 17

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•Nope, but I sure do appreciate the effort.

Lucas' P.O.V (Cause Maya is unconsious, DUH! :P)

  Maya collapsed on the road after being hit by that motorcycle. I ran towards her, ignoring the warnings that I got. Luckily, all the vehicles had cleared because of the accident.

  "Maya, wake up! Please...oh god..." I mumbled.

  I rested her in my arms and kept mumbling the same thing over and over again. "L..Lucas..?"

  I looked down to see Maya's eyes half open and looking at me, lifeless. I was overjoyed that she didn't go to "sleep". "Don't worry, you'll be okay. The ambulance is on its way so hang in there, clutterbucket!" I reassured her.

  Before I ran to Maya, I had asked one of the passerbys to call the ambulance for me.

  She nodded her head ever so slightly, but her eyes were closing again. I shook her lightly but it had no effect. Her eyes were closed once again.

  Soon, the ambulance came and I had hope for my clutterbucket.

*At the hospital...*
  I stood outside Maya's ward and kept my phone in my pocket. I had just finish calling Riley and Maya's mum, who would inform the others.

  After giving Maya a thorough examination, the doctor said that she had no severe injuries but she had lost quite a bit of blood. Her ribs were also a bit "shaky" after the impact made by the motorcycle.

  But, the doctor said that she should recover in a few weeks. I was glad that nothing bad happened.

  The motorist was also admitted into the hospital but he was fine as well. I sucked in a deep breath and entered Maya's ward.

  She was concious. I let out a relieved sigh causing her to face me. "Hey huckleberry." she said playfully.

  I smiled at how happy she was even after she was knocked over by a motorcycle. 'That's my strong little clutterbucket.' I thought to myself.

Maya's P.O.V
  Seeing Lucas made me happy and I greeted him playfully, making him smile.

  Even though I was lying in bed, I still tried to sit up but failed. Lucas hurriedly helped me to adjust the bed.

  He sat down on a chair and opened his mouth to say something. "PEACHES!!!" Riley screamed as she ran into the room.

  Lucas closed his mouth and stood up awkwardly to let Riley sit. Riley hugged me, making me wince in pain because of the impact on my ribs.

  She apologised and I forgave her. Riley's family, my mum and Shawn walked in. "Hey guys!"

  "Maya, baby girl, I am so glad you are okay!" my mum exclaimed.

  I grinned.

*At night...*
  Everybody had left except Lucas, who volunteered to take care of me because everybody else was busy. He had fallen asleep on the corner of my bed after adjusting it so that I could sleep.

  I looked at his peaceful sleeping figure and smiled. Leaning over, I gave him a peck on the forehead.

  "Goodnight." I whispered, before falling asleep myself.

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