Chapter 8

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 •Mine was like a shih tzu going after a chew toy.

  In the middle of class, Riley got a note. I assumed it was from Charlie since nobody else would pass a note to Riley. I saw Riley's eyes scan the note, and her slight frown appeared on her face. "Riley? Passing notes isn't allowed in class." Mr.Matthews' voice snapped me and Riley back to the lesson.

  Riley hurriedly kept the note and apologised to her father. Mr.Matthews continued with the lesson, but I could tell that Riley wasn't paying attention.

  Right before the end of class, Mr.Matthews collected our homework that was assigned the previous day. When he reached me, I gave him the same cheeky grin as always. "Sorry, Matthews, couldn't find my homework. So, couldn't do it. So, nothing to pass up to you." I replied.

  I could tell he had mentally face-palmed himself the minute I said that. As he moved on to Riley, I mumbled to myself, 'Always works.'

  Riley took out her homework before taking out my homework. Mr.Matthews looked between the two of us with a confused look on his face. He collected our homework anyways just as the bell rang. Everybody exited the classroom, talking among themselves. I decided to ask Riley about the note later.

  When Riley and Lucas came out, I saw that they were both avoiding eye contact. I decided that it was probably nothing and proceeded to ask her about the note. "So Riley, was that note from Charlie? Show it to me."

  Before she could object, I held up my hand with out friendship ring on it and said, "Ring power!"

  Riley took out the note from her pocket and handed it to me. I silently read it.

  Dear Riley,
So, will you go on a date with me later? You can choose the venue and what we're going to be doing. I'm okay with anything as long as you're happy. I hope to get a reply from you after class. :)

  At the exact same moment I handed her back the note, Charlie walked up to us. "Um...sorry Charlie, but I can't go on a date with you. I'm sorry. You're a really nice and sweet guy, but I only see you as a friend. You deserve better."

  Charlie looked down, then smiled sadly. "It's okay. I'm glad that we can still be friends. deserve better too." he said before walking away.

  I hoped that Charlie found his happiness soon. But, I was also puzzled as to why Riley declined Charlie. Suddenly, I heard the sound of shoes tapping the floor. I turned around to see Farkle standing in the center of the hallway. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Riley and Lucas start to leave.

  But before they could even walk 10 steps, I heard something that made me break inside.

  "Riley and Lucas still love each other!"

Author's note:
This is probably the longest chapter that I've ever written so far!

Oh, and BTW, thank you guys for supporting my book. I really appreciate it! If you don't mind, please introduce this book to your fellow Wattpadders. Arigatou~😘✌️
                                 -Chantal (author)

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