Chapter 18: Valentine's Day Special

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•Ooh, I could use one of those. Give me that and I won't call you Ranger Rick all week. ... Thanks, Ranger Roy. ... All week.

  "Ding Dong!"

  I put down the magazine I was reading on my dorm bed and walked over to the door.

  It had already been a few days after I was discharged from the hospital. Now, I was fully recovered and good to carry on with my boring, normal life.

  I opened the door to see a delivery guy holding a bouquet of roses. "Um...Ms Maya Penelope Hart...?" he asked while reading a paper in his free left hand.

  "Yes, that's me."

  The delivery guy handed me that piece of paper with my name on it together with a pen and asked me to sign my name on it. I signed and handed it back to him. He checked and then passed me the bouquet of roses. "Thank you." I shut the door and hoped I didn't hit him.

  I sat back down on my bed and smelled the bouquet of roses. It smelled wonderful. Just then, I noticed a small card chucked in the centre of the many red roses. I took it out and read the short message written on it.

Happy Valentine's Day!
To my special her♡♡♡
From your special him♡♡♡

  One look and I knew who it was. Lucas Friar. My huckleberry, Ranger Rick, moral compass, hopalong, Bucky McBoing life.

  I smiled to myself and sighed contentedly. Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. I put down the card and the bouquet of roses before tiptoeing over to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw Lucas' face.

  An idea popped into my mind. Secretly unlocking the door, I hurriedly hid behind my bed and hoped that Riley wouldn't suddenly come back from her date with Farkle.

  Like I hoped, I heard the door click open. My plan was working.

Lucas' P.O.V
  When nobody answered, I decided to just push the door open a bit. To my surprise, the door wasn't locked at all! I pushed it wide open to see an empty dorm room. I stepped inside and shut the door. That's when I saw the bouquet of roses I had delivered to Maya. 'Strange...if nobody's here then why is the...OH NO!' I thought to myself. I stepped into one of Maya's tricks again!

  "CANNONBALL!!!" Maya shouted as she jumped out from behind her bed.

Maya's P.O.V
  I saw Lucas out of the corner of my eye and decided it was the right time. "CANNONBALL!!!" I shouted as I jumped out from behind my bed.

  I landed on his back successfully and held on tight. "Seriously?! Maya, you can't just jump on my back!" Lucas said while trying to steady himself.

  "Yes I can." I stuck out my tongue.

  All of a sudden, I felt myself leaning towards the bed. Lucas was falling onto my bed!


  I let go just in time to not get squashed by him. However, I ended up in his arms, on my bed. Both of us laughed gleefully. We sat up and Lucas kissed me.

  "Happy Valentine's Day, Maya." he said when we pulled away.

  "Happy Valentine's Day, Lucas." I responded while grinning from ear to ear.

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you guys enjoyed this special chapter~ ♡♡♡😘😘😘🌹🌹🌹


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