Chapter 15

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•Stuff happened in some country. Some team won a game. And it's cold somewhere with a chance of I don't care. Am I all caught up?

*Years later in college...*
  "Wake up, Maya!"

  My eyes opened to see Riley's face. A smile appeared on her face as I woke up.

  I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes from the bedroom drawer. "Hurry! Class starts in 30 minutes!" Riley shouted as I walked into the bathroom.

  After a quick bath and washing up, I was ready to go to class. I hated myself for that.

  Riley and I were in college and we were freshman there. We also got the same dorm room. Lucas and Farkle were in the dorm room beside us.

  Riley was still...well..."Princess dancing sunshine". Lucas was still a huckleberry, a Ranger Rick, a hop-a-long, a Bucky McBoing Boing...basically Lucas. Farkle still Farkle. Me? Still a rebel, but a bit more Riley-fied.

  I groaned as Riley and I headed to our first class, history. We met Lucas and Farkle at our lockers.

  I slammed my locker shut as Lucas hugged me from behind. He let go and I turned to face him. "So...later at the new restaurant, Eli?"

  "Sure." I shrugged my shoulders.

  "Can't wait to see how great you look." he smirked.

  I punched him lightly and we headed to class with Riley and Farkle.

  All four of us gasped when we saw the teacher. "You!" Riley and I pointed at him.

  "How ya' doing?" Mr.Matthews greeted us.

  We all sat down, a shocked look still on our faces.  Mr.Matthews smiled and started the lesson.

*After history class...*
  "How did you not know?!" I screamed.

  Everybody turned to look at me. I gave them my "death" glare. They hurriedly looked away, what I was hoping they would do.

  "None of them said anything! They're Cory and Topanga! Do you think they would?!" Riley raised her eyebrows.

  Farkle told her to calm down and gave her a quick hug. Riley let out a sigh and rested her head on his shoulder.

  The bell rang, signaling for us to get to class. This time, Lucas and I were in the same class while Riley and Farkle were in the same class.

  We each walked our separate ways. Well...not me. Lucas carried me up, bridal style, halfway. I pounded at his strong chest but it didn't work. I just covered my face and hoped my reputation wouldn't be affected.

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