Chapter 4

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 •Yeah, how else can he keep tabs on all the hoedowns and cattle pageants?

  "Sup' suckers!" I said as I walked into the Matthews' apartment.

  Mr.Matthews and Mrs.Matthews my disgust. I ignored them and headed to Riley's room.

  I opened the door,to see Riley staring out the bay window. Secretly,I tiptoed over to her back and pounced on her. "What the...?! Maya!"she shouted just as we fell to the floor.

  I gave her a cheeky grin before I got up. Riley stood up and brushed the dust off her bright orange dress. "I thought you were coming through the bay window?"

  "The door was nearer and I'm lazy to walk further."I shrugged my shoulders.

  She rolled her eyes and we sat back down at the bay window. Suddenly,Auggie came running into the room while pretending to puke. "Auggie,what's wro-"Riley asked as Auggie cut her off.

  "Mom. Dad. Kissing. Living room. BLEH!" he said through deep breaths.

  Riley looked at me and I nodded. I saw that myself too...BLEH! Auggie left the room and ran straight to his room. We laughed so hard,Riley almost fell onto the floor again!

  5-10 minutes later,we finally stopped laughing. "So...what did you and Lucas do at his place?" Riley asked me curiously.

  "Nothing! We just did the project! That's all! What...what about you and Farkle?" I answered,super flustered.

  We talked for hours,until I realized I had to get home. I crawled out the bay window while saying bye to Riley. 'Whew! But...why am I so flustered? It's not like Lucas and I did anything. Unless,I'm worried that Riley and Lucas will get back together?! Stop it,Hart! He's your boyfriend now,calm down! I hope Riles won't betray me though...' I thought to myself on the way home.

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