Chapter 12:Christmas Special (2)

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•Who? ... It's the most important thing in the world. I'll find him myself and I'd hate to be him when I do.

*At the Matthews' apartment...*
  I rang the doorbell and waited for somebody to come answer. Soon, Riley opened the door. I moved in so that she could close it.

  I put down the two bags of presents I was carrying and my small red purse. Then, I took a good look at what Riley was wearing. My eyes widened at how good she looked. "OMG!" we exclaimed in unison.

  "You look stunning!" we exclaimed again, together.

  We giggled, something I didn't do before I met Riley. She was wearing a green dress with white laces at the bottom. Her shoes were white heels and her hair was plaited neatly. Shockingly, she had light red eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara, super light pink blush and pink lipstick on.

  "I thought your mum didn't allow you to wear makeup...?"

  Riley shrugged and said, "She said I can wear makeup, but only on special occasions. And I asked her about the party and she said yes."

  'I guess Mrs.Matthews isn't all that strict and firm.' I thought. At the exact same time, someone slammed the door open. I saw Mrs.Matthews' expression change.

  "Look at me, I'm Ava, Morgensternnnnn!" Ava, Auggie's girlfriend, sang as she made her way in.

  "Oh joy." Mrs.Matthews said sarcastically.

  "Come on, Topy, you know you love me."

  Ava turned to Auggie and they went to the couch. Riley and I rolled our eyes at their "52 year relationship".

  Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Riley went to open it and Lucas and Farkle were standing outside. They came in and I quickly averted my eyes from Lucas. "So now, everybody's here-"

  Riley got cut off by somebody else slamming the door open.  "Sup everybody!"

  I could recognise that voice anywhere. "Josh!!!" I screamed as I ran towards him.

  I hugged him as tightly as I could. He chuckled and I let go. Josh ruffled his hair and joked, "Well, nice to see you again Maya. Maybe...a little less tight on the hugs? I don't wanna die so young."

  I gave him a friendly punch and we hugged each other again. "Ma' brother!"

  "Ma' brother!"

  Josh walked up to Mr.Matthews and they had a "manly" hug. I looked around and saw that everybody was gathered here. Mr and Mrs.Matthews, their parents, Eric Matthews(Mr.Matthews' older brother), Joshua Matthews(Mr.Matthews' younger brother), Riley, Auggie, Ava, Shawn, my mum, Lucas, Farkle and me.

  "Let the party...BEGIN!" Riley shouted.

  Everybody exchanged presents and arranged them under the Christmas tree. We were off to a good start...except that I saw Lucas glaring at Josh a few times. 'Probably nothing.' I thought to myself.

*Time skip to Christmas...*
  The sound of Auggie and Ava screaming downstairs woke Riley and I up. I rubbed my eyes and realized that it was Christmas! I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.

  Auggie and Ava were already tearing their presents open. As I reached out for my presents, a hand grabbed me from behind.

Author's note:
Merry Christmas everybody! Hope that you're having a good one so far~ 🎄🎁🎄🎁🎄🎁


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