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Luke stared at the desert out of the cockpit of Han's ship, The Millennium Falcon. Dust flew as the wind blew strongly across the planet.

"Alright kid," Han came in. Luke turned to him and smiled. Luke's lightsaber hung from his belt, and he looked around with a smile on his face. "Where did you want to go?"

"Coruscant," Luke replied.

Han looked shocked. "You want to go to the city? I can't do that, if they know I'm a smuggler I'll get arrested and-"

"There's a senate meeting to restore the Jedi order. I'm the only Jedi left, Han. I have to go." Luke insists.

Han rolls his eyes. "Fine. But only because I know you'll use a Jedi mind trick if I say no."

"I feel like you're force sensitive right now," Luke smirked. "Did the force tell you?" He joked. That had been his plan.

"I don't know," Han laughed. "That's Leia's job not mine."

Leia walked in, and once again Han was taken away by her beauty.

Han smiled. "Hey princess."

Leia smiled back and then noticed Luke. "Hey," she said to Luke.

"Hey, Leia," Luke smiled at her.

"What brings you here?" She asked.

"You make that sound like I need a reason to see my friend and sister!" Luke said, crossing his arms. He leaned against the wall of the rusty old beat up ship.

"Well... I thought you'd be running around with your lightsaber screaming, 'I am a Jedi! I defeated Darth Vader! I am a Jedi! Yep that's right! Jedi!'" Leia smirked.

"I wouldn't do that!" Luke sighed.

"No, but you thought about it," Leia joked.

"Well, now I'm certainly thinking about it," Luke grinned bigger.

C3-PO walked up. "Will we begin flight shortly?"

"Set coordinates for Coruscant," Han said.

"Coruscant?" 3PO asked.

"Yeah." Han said. "Now go do it."

"Arghhhhr," Chewie came behind Han.

"Huh?" Han asked. "Yes I know they could check the ship. That's why you hide it in the floorboards."

"Arhg," Chewie nodded and left.

"What is it?" Luke asked.

"Nothing," Han lied.

Luke called on the force to tell him what was in the cargo hold. He concentrated and soon it told him. Illegal blasters and detonators. "Blasters and detonators! Han those are illegal!"

"How'd you know?" Han asked.

"The force," Luke replied. Han looked ticked.

"It's very mysterious," Leia added. "Luke is strong with the the force."

"Strong enough to learn things he isn't supposed to know." Han snapped.

"Yeah..." Luke smirked.

"Argh!" Chewie came in.

Han nodded. "Prepare for takeoff."

Luke and Leia left while Han plopped himself in the captains chair and Chewie sat down in the co-pilots chair. They flicked the dials and switches, and then took off. Soon they were away from Tatooine and into space.

What's In Store Next? A Luke Skywalker fanficWhere stories live. Discover now