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Padme Amidala was made Queen of Naboo at age 14. After her term was over she became a senator to vouch for the people. Padme had many supporters, but also many people working with the trade federation who didn't agree with her decisions that would benefit the republic and give them advantages, therefore the federation constantly hired bounty hunters to assassinate her, but the Jedi always stepped in to intervene and rescue her. One Jedi she found particularly interesting, Anakin Skywalker. Anakin was the greatest Jedi knight at the time (though they were all great) but he turned to the dark side... They secretly married and had an affair, but it was only discovered after her death. She had lost the will to live because Anakin had turned to the dark side, and she believed he was most certainly gone and would never love her again, but still felt that Obi-Wan could rescue the long lost Skywalker, knowing there must be some good in him. Seconds her death, Padme delivered 2 twins, Luke and Leia.

Luke's blood froze. He knew that was familiar.

Padme had many accomplishments. She worked in favor of the republic, and was re-elected several times. She was a cunning warrior, and both a warrior and a senator.

Luke stopped reading. He closed the holobook, shaking. He knew that name was familiar: Padme Amidala. But was she really a queen? Was she really a senator? And she was his mother? 3D pictures of his mom crossed the pages of the book. "It's almost like... it's almost like she's here right now..." he whispered to himself.

Billions of thoughts whizzed through his mine. The door quietly opened it. He wouldn't have heard it unless the force hadn't have warned him minutes before it had happened. Luke turned slowly to see Leia.

"Luke, what's wrong?" Leia said.

"Leia," he said. "Did you know our mom was a queen?"

Leia knitted her eyebrows. "I..."

"That... Our mom was one of the most loved senators?" Luke said. "That... She lost the will to live over dad?"

Leia stared. She finally spoke. "...where... where did you...?"

Luke picked the holobook up and handed it to her.  Then Luke said, "She looks like you..." As Leia glanced at the images of her mother. She looked at the pages about Padmé. She breathed heavily, tears in her eyes. She looked up at Luke. "Luke... I only have you and Han left. Nobody else."

She got up and walked to Luke. "Please don't leave me." She pleaded.

"I won't." He said. She hugged him. And put her head on his shoulder.

"Don't... Don't leave me..." She said.

"Never," Luke promised.

A knock on the opened door. Han stood in the doorway, and slowly walked in. "I don't want to interrupt your little twin moment, but..." Han walked over to them. Leia and Luke dropped arms, and backed away from each other about 3 feet. Han walked over and put his arm around Leia. "We have some news."

Luke looked at Leia and then at Han and then back at Leia.

"You wanna tell him?" Han asked Leia. Leia just smiled and shook her head. Han sighed. Then slowly continued with the 'news'. "Well..."

Leia cut in. "I'm pregnant."

Luke's mouth fell open. "What...?"


I do my own any original Star Wars characters. Also...


If I catch you copying my book I will DM you and ask you to change your book, or take it down. If you do not, I will report you. So don't mess with the best.

Lol, that rhymed too!

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