To Space

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Picture: the symbol

It was 2:30 that morning when Luke had his first vision.

There was a black haired man in a Y-Wing star fighter. That was peculiar. They didn't make Y-Wings anymore, hoping for the peace. Y-Wings represented galactic war. No Y-Wings meant no need for weapons, which meant no need for war.

The man was driving through a bunch of other ships shooting at him. He shot back and blew one out of the sky. He caught a better glimpse. It had a very odd symbol...

There were at least 30 of them, all outnumbering the Y-Wing. But the Y-Wing was a talented pilot. He dodged bullets and shot back. By the end of the vision, only about 20 were left. He man was trying to send a hologram. But Luke missed some of it because it was fuzzy.

"Tell...yes...coming... The Madarrians... Outnumbering-"

The vision fizzled out, and Luke sat bolt upright. He had been laying down, and now he relied on calling on the force to help him interpret the vision. Visions were a sign of being strong with the force.

Luke panted deeply, before throwing off his covers and swiftly (and shirtless) walked down to the library. What he'd heard- Madarrians. What? Luke had never heard of Madarria. Luke went to one of the desks and began dragging his fingers across the glass, and clicking on the icons. He typed in Madarria and scrolled, and then clicked on an icon. His acts of going to get information was a good choice.

Madarria is a planet covered completely in trampled plains with few trees. The once tall grass is now only inches tall ever since the Madarria Rebellion Against the Republic (MRAR) began near the end of the Clone Wars. They sided with the separatist. Millions of battle droids, Sith, and separatist roamed this planet.

Luke kept looking but there was not much more information. Madarria Rebellion Against the Republic?

Luke scratched his head. The darkness cast deep shadows of everything. Luke went to a classroom, where there were many windows. A shelf had the helmets with the visors and the little training balls. Another had training lightsabers. The windows were opened, and Luke stared out at the busy city of Coruscant in thought. The lights were on and speeders zoomed through the air. Coruscant was unlike home. Coruscant was huge and noisy and busy. Tatooine was desert, quiet, and boring.

Luke took deep breaths, allowing the force to flow through him and calm him.

He got up slowly, and walked back to his quarters, his lightsaber bumping his thigh painlessly with every step.

He stopped though, and took a detour to a room with a balcony. He walked onto the balcony and looked out at Coruscant. The Coruscant folk didn't seem to mind the darkness. Lights were on, parties were still going, speeders zoomed by, floating billboards were lit with bright colors. Light rolled off of everything, and Luke stared at it. Coruscant wasn't like his home. Tatooine was the complete opposite, and for once in his life, Luke missed the boringness of being on the planet as a moisture farmer.

Luke leaned on the balcony wall, watching people. There were scruffy-looking people in allies, gang members up to no good, people drinking.

Luke closed his eyes. He opened them a few moments later and saw the Millennium Falcon taking off on a dock a few miles away. You could see for miles this high up, and Luke enjoyed the view that he'd never really gotten to see at home  on Tatooine.

It wasn't till the morning sun was over the horizon, peeking out onto the still raging Coruscant, that he realized exactly how much time had passed.

He walked to the lobby, with a big plan...


"Greetings, many planets. I am Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, and I am recruiting for the Jedi academy. If you are seeing this message and wish to join the academy, come to Coruscant as soon as possible. After 2 weeks of training, we will test you, and then send all of you but 10 home." Luke said. R2 was broadcasting across 6 planets: Coruscant, Tatooine, Mandalore, Naboo, Kamino (to notify the clone makers), and last but not least, Alderaan. "Go to dock 5596 in the upper region of Coruscant located near the Jedi Temple. Please arrive in 3 days at your capitols main dock, where shuttles will arrive to pick you up and take you where you need to be. Thank you."

The hologram cut off. It'd take about 7 days for everybody to get here. Luke decided to make the time worthy. He walked outside and decided to walk around Coruscant. It was daytime, and buzzing with business. Luke walked down the streets, aware of his surroundings. Luke walked into a diner and ordered some food for breakfast, since it had been roughly all day since he'd eaten.

Sorry it took me so long to update... Like, 3, 4 days? I had a play and I was a lead and we had 4 performances. :P

Anyways, it is a slow start but you just wait until he gets his padawan ;)

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