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It seemed to take forever to get there, but soon Luke stepped into the meeting room. It was a huge room, just like the pictures in the holobook.

"Who are you?" Asked a guard at the door.

"I am Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker," he said. The guards let him pass and escorted him to one of the floating disc.

"Stay here." Said the guard. Nobody else came. Soon the meeting started.

"How many Jedi have we here?" Asked somebody. He looked to the pod that Luke was in. "One?" He looked around, hope in his eyes. "Well... I suppose-"

"I am Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, defender of the republic, defeater of Darth Vader, padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, destroyer of the Death Star, general of the rebellion." Luke said. "And not very humble..." he laughed. The guard laughed with him. "Be proud of it."

"And we can trust you to build up the order?" Asked another senator.

"How do we know you won't turn to the dark side?" Asked another.

A shimmer appeared, and there stood master Yoda. A huge form. "This is Luke Skywalker, Jedi Grand Master, he is." Wait, Jedi GRAND master? What? Luke thought. "I trust him. Obi-Wan Kenobi trusts him. Anakin Skywalker trusts him. In charge of the Jedi order, he will be. Living old, he will be."

Clapping rose, until one man said above the clapping, "And how do you plan to bring back the order?" The clapping stopped.

"I plan to take on a padawan- very soon. I will train him, and when he is ready, he will take on a padawan, and I will take on another padawan, and the cycle continues." Luke announced.

"Guide him, I will." Yoda nodded.

Obi-Wan appeared beside him in a shimmer. "Luke Skywalker was one of my most gifted students. I know he can do it. Even more cheers.

Then Anakin shimmered in the pod beside Luke. Nobody could see Anakin but Luke. Anakin said, "I trust you, son. Do not fail me as I failed the order. Do not bring doom as I have... Do not make my mistakes and meet my fate. This is your destiny. You will build up the order, I trust."

"Yes, father," Luke nodded.

"You are in charge of them all. You have been given the rank of grand master. I trust you will choose well... Find a man more powerful than Mace Windu, more wise than Yoda, and more patient than Obi-Wan. You can do it. And they believe you can too." Anakin motioned for everybody in the room. The many people from many galaxies, with many beliefs, with many shapes, with many sizes.

"I will try," Luke nodded.

"No try," Anakin grinned. "Do, or do not." Luke looked at him sheepishly.

With that, Luke's father disappeared, and shortly after, Yoda and Obi-Wan left. The senate was dismissed, and guards and senators were leading Luke to the absolutely empty and eery Jedi temple.

So. Sorry for the short chapter. :/

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