The Padawan

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Luke had been calmly eating his breakfast and reflecting when C3PO walked into the diner with R2, disrupting Luke's peace.

"Hello, R2, C3P0," Luke nodded. "What is it?"

"Sir, we have 3 new messages!" 3P0 said hardily.

"What is it?" Luke asked, hopefully.

"Let's go outside," 3P0 said happily. Luke finished quickly and left the diner. Outside, 3P0 and R2 walked a few minutes towards the temple.

"Is it secret?" Luke finally asked as they continued walking towards the temple.

"Jedi business, of course," 3P0 said. "And Jedi business is always, or... usually secret."

"Right," Luke said. "Of course..."

They continued walking and stopped when they reached the deserted, beautiful temple yard. The temple yard was private enough, and a safe enough environment to open the holograms.

R2 found the first one. C3P0 said, "This came from a girl from Mandalore."

"Play the message, R2," Luke said. R2 beeped in reply.

The hologram lit up. It was a mandalorian girl. "Hi, Master Skywalker. I'm Gen. I'm 11 years old and interested in trying to become a Padawan. I have pretty good reflexes I guess, but I'm not sure. I will be awaiting the transport... I'm aware that I'm a bit old, but I supposed everybody doing it would be. Well... Bye now!" She waved, and then the hologram flickered off. Luke nodded.

"That was promising," somebody behind Luke said. Luke turned to see Tact.

"Yes." Luke said. "The transports land tonight, and they'll be here in a day. The only problem is, what do I do in between?"

"Perhaps, you could welcome my brother. He landed on the docks a few blocks from here on Coruscant last night. He's on his way now... Perhaps 6 miles away? He's on foot, of course." Tact said.

"should we send a shuttle?" Asked Luke.

Tact shrugged. "Perhaps. My brother never was big on that sort've thing."

Tact turned darkly, and a flash of silver showed from his lightsaber hilt as he turned and the light hit it. Something about Tact, a small darkness hovering around him. But Luke could only feel the darkness if he concentrated. Luke shrugged it off, and went into the training room.

The training room was a hologram room. Holographic foes you'd need to destroy.

He swiped his finger across the screen and scrolled through the menu. The selections were: commando droid, battle droid, super battle droid, destroyer droid. What the heck were these things? Luke spawned one of everything, except the commando droid. He didn't like the looks of the readings. A few seconds later, a bright flash came from the middle of the room, and the holograms danced across the floor. Woah. They were metal, but Luke hadn't ever seen a battle droid. He'd heard of them, but the stories told made them seem 10 feet tall. They were actually only about 5"5 tall- the super battle droids were about 6 feet. The destroyers were about 5"5 too.

"Um..." Luke said. Just then they started shooting blasters. They were the kind of training blasters they used to deflect as padawans. Luke rolled under one and then deflected a few, but apparently those droids didn't take breaks. A few of them guarding the temple until real guards could come would do some good. Luke jumped behind a super battle droid. He was sort've confused, but he turned around a few seconds later only to meet the end of Luke's lightsaber. Luke sliced off the battle droids head, and then there was the destroyer. It had a force field. It fired so many shots at once Luke had to use the force to make a shield for himself. But a few seconds later the thing had overheated. By the looks of the cooling systems and the few books Luke had read, it would only take 6 or 7 seconds, and Luke still had no idea how to penetrate the force field. Luke moved closer quickly but cautiously and tried to slice his lightsaber across the field. It bounced off. He tried again, a heavy blow, and it bounced back so hard it almost sliced Luke into halves. "How do I do-"

The thing immediately snapped up and it's scanners began searching for Luke. Luke backflipped away, and it started firing. Luke ducked. Thankfully, the thing couldn't move its aim very quickly up or down. Luke used the force to push it back and it careened against the wall. Electricity shocked through the parts. Luke ran up and jumped up, thrusting his lightsaber down. The fore field disappeared, and Luke sliced the destroyer droid into 6 pieces, which fell down in a pile and then flickered as the hologram disappeared. No cleanup, thankfully.

Walking out of the training area, Luke decided certain droids could serve well as guards until he could find proper Jedi knights to serve as guards.

The shuttle would arrive in a day, and Luke figured he needed some type of guards.

He walked to the library and found Tact. "Is there anyway I can find any battle droids to guard the place until I get Jedi?"

Tact stood and thought a moment. "No. The trade federation went down when the leaders got killed by Anakin Skywalker- or, Darth Vader."

"Oh... They don't make battle droids anymore?" Luke asked.

"Hm... Perhaps you could find some at the droid repair shop just down the block. I think the owner of that joint has just about every droid ever made." Tact said.

Luke nodded. "How many credits do you think?"

Tact furrowed his eyebrows, and then went to a shelf and got a small sack. "Take these. Depending on what type and what mood he's in, you might need this."

Luke took the bag. It was heavy. There must've been 1000 credits in the thing. That was a lot of money.

"Mood he's in?" Luke asked.

"Yeah... He's an alcoholic, a gambler. But he's also an old friend of mine, and if you tell him I sent you, he might let you go with a few extra credits." Tact shrugged. "Oh- and be careful about what type of people you meet on the way. Some don't like Jedi. Some don't like blonde hair." And with that Tact grinned a small playful grin at the hair joke, playfully hit Luke's shoulder, and then went back to guarding the library.

I don't really have an excuse for this one, guys... I'm rlly rlly rlly rlly rlllllly sorry for not updating sooner. I was with my fam and all that stuff. Anyways, merry Christmas and happy new year, my lovely readers!

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