Battle Guards

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"Do you have separatist battle droids?" Luke asked.

Deston looked surprised. "Battle droids! What would a Jedi need with battle droids?!"

"For now, for temple guards." Luke explained. "We don't have any padawans or masters to take on the job."

"You say you need Jedi to work in the temple?" Deston asked.

"Yes. As guards. I have an ex-padawan named Tact as my librarian-"

"Tact Fisc?" Asked Deston.

Luke nodded. "He sent me."

"Well then! Tact and I trained together as padawans." Smiled Deston. "He may seem mysterious but I've known him for 55 years. I know, I can sense the darkness the same as Yoda. He just holds a grudge against Anakin Skywalker, that's all."

"Oh?" Luke wondered aloud. "Well since you seem interested, you can be a temple guard if you'd like. But I know your shop must be important to you."

"Well, you see... the reason this looks so messy is because... my business is being taken away from me. I lost a bet. And this triples as my income, my hobby, and my home. So, being I'm in need for the job, and you're obviously in need of some guards and some droids..."

"You're welcome to the job. I will consult the council." Luke smiled. "You're welcome to come with me, or report to the temple any time in the near future. But if you want the job, please tell me within the next 2 days."

"I'll start packing now. Now, you're looking for battle droids for guards? The droids aren't very dependable. They can be hacked and people can get information from them about our works. I would not recommend..." said Deston.

"Thank you for your time and information, my friend. Would you like me to help you pack?" Luke asked.

"Ahh... jokes on the guy that gets the place. I'll pack what I want and need and leave all the rest to him. He wanted everything. I'll take a few droids though, if you don't mind."

"Not at all. Nice droids might be useful." Luke agreed. "We have only 2 droids at the moment. We have a protocol droid and an Astro droid- both very reliable, very trustworthy. I've been with them for years. They were my fathers before mine. They've been through a lot with me."

"Now those are good droids." Smiled Deston.

"Now I might head back to the temple if you needn't my assistance." Luke paused, "I must admit, my trust of Tact isn't lingering heavily."

"I know. I feel it too sometimes. Especially with all the information on his shoulders... but I've learned he's trustworthy. However the darkness does linger..." Deston looked deep in thought. "I don't know. Keep a watch on him."

Luke turned and left, and found it very interesting-or, maybe a better word would be strange- that even Tact's closest friends thought there was something darkly off about him with the force.

Luke deeply thought on his walk back to the temple. As soon as he arrived, Tact rushed to him. "Master! 2 padawans have arrived."

"Already? Can you take me to them?" Luke smiled.

"Absolutely, sir!" Tact seemed much different. He was lively and excited. Perhaps I had misjudged him, Luke thought, although the darkness still lingered slightly at deep concetration.

Tact lead the way to the main staircase of the temple, where 2 children around the age of 8 looked around jumpy and happily, chatting vigorously. Luke looked at the mm curiously. He had never seen children so happy. On Tatooine, everybody moped around, children were rarely out for fear of sand people.

"Padawans," Luke cleared his throat. The children turned around quickly, and stood still, staring at Luke seriously. "Welcome to the Jedi Temple. My name is Master Luke Skywalker. I will be teaching you the ways of the force if you are force sensitive. I ask that you respect this temple and it's inhabitants. This building has been here for thousands of years. It stands for peace, justice, and also in memorial of all the Jedi killed in Order 66. Remember to be quiet, because classes, concentration, and study may be going around."

Tact nodded. "I am the temple librarian. The temple archives hold thousands of mysteries and holds the most knowledge in the Galaxy. It is 100% reliable and all of it is confirmed. In the library you will find galactic history, aspects of the force, history of the Jedi, and training techniques. It also holds maps, and technologies. It holds books about everything in the Galaxy."

The kids eyes were so jumpy and hungry that Luke didn't know how long they could stand still. Finally, Luke suggested, "Now, would you like to see your rooms and take a tour of the temple."

"Yes, sir." The children said politely.

"Ah, the discipline." Luke applauded. "You are already showing good signs." Luke led the way through the large open corridors and up to the 3rd floor. "This floor padawan living quarters. Please pick a room, but they're all the same so I beg you not to bicker about it." Luke said. "If you need me, don't be afraid to go to the top of the Council Tower- in the Jedi Council Chamber. I shall be available for any questions and request there. Your training will begin in 6 days. However, foreknowledge of the Jedi and force will give you an upstart in your abilities. However, I'm going to ask you in a few hours for a blood test. I need to know your Midi-chlorian counts as soon as possible to measure your potential in the force." Luke then straightened. "I'll be going now. You're expected to behave in this building. Jedi are wise and shouldn't bicker amongst themselves. If any behavior mishaps come up, you will be sent home."

With that, Luke left.

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