Leia and Han

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Luke couldn't act surprised. In the force something was telling him that Leia was pregnant.

"Wow." Luke said. He was still a bit surprised. Han and Leia had only been married 2 years. They must've made a quick decision to have a child- there was a chance it could be twins, since Leia had a twin. It was a higher chance.

"How along is it?" I asked.

"It's 3 months," she said, smiling.

"3 months." Luke repeated. "So... You don't know what gender it's gonna be, obviously."

"Not yet." Han said, finally talking.

"Surprising, isn't it?" Leia asked.

"Well... Eh... Not really... The force told-"

"That slimy old rat. Scumbag. We wanted to tell you." Han said, smirking.

"Sir," a man said. He was standing at the door. "The Queen awaits you."

Luke stood abruptly and left. Han and Leia went to follow but the man shook his head, and took the lead in front of Luke.

He lead Luke to a huge golden room. Down the entire length was a straight, spotless red carpet.

The guard stopped at the door, and turned to Luke. He smiled. "For the queens protection."

The man didn't need to motion to the lightsaber for Luke to understand. Luke handed the silver metal cylinder to him. The guard put it on his own belt, and the light saber dangled restlessly, an effect of being away from its master. The lightsaber chose the Jedi, therefore it was never the same unless it was with that Jedi.

Luke walked beside Smith down the red carpet. When he was a few feet in front of the Queen, he kneeled respectfully. Smith took his place behind the Queen, hands by his side.

"Rise," Queen Ren said.

Luke rose to his feet. "I am Jedi knight Luke Skywalker."

The Queen looked at the guard. "This is the Jedi?" She glanced back at Luke. "Isn't he a little young?"

Oh, if Luke had a nickel for every time he heart that... Luke was near the same age of the queen! Wasn't she a little young to be queen?

"I am quite qualified. I am Master Yoda's padawan." Luke said. Back in the old republic, that would be huge. Except now it didn't mean the same. "I've defeated Darth Vader."

The Queen looked mildly impressed. "I am Queen Ren. I'm very sorry for not properly introducing myself."

"It is an honor to speak with you, milady," Luke said.

The Queen and Luke began talking about Luke's plan to revive the Jedi order.

"I would find a padawan- a strong one. I would teach them the ways of the force, help them, train them. And take them to Ilum... But it would be someone truly gifted. Like, might I say, my father was. Or my other master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Then they would become a Jedi. Then they'd take on a padawan, and I would take on a new padawan. That was how the Jedi order formed. I just hope I am a good teacher."

"Most Jedi are," Kylantha said. "Do you think there are others? Other Jedi?"

Luke searched the force. He paused, and closed his eyes a minute. "Yes." He breathed. "But I am not positive. If there are some, I hope they will show up at the meeting."

"Perhaps they will," Kylantha said.

"Hopefully." Luke said. Through his comlink, he heard a message from his droid. "I'm sorry, excuse me."

He walked away for a minute, and answered. "Threepeo, is everything alright?"

"Yes, sir, but we should get moving. The meeting is in 35 hours." 3P0 said. "The repairs are finished."

"Ok, thank you," Luke nodded, and returned to the queen, who he was getting fond of and enjoyed her presence. "I'm sorry, and I enjoyed meeting you and our talk, but I simply must be going. Thank you for your help. I... Wish to return and speak with you some other time."

"Absolutely. Luke Skywalker, you are welcomed anytime." She smiled at him.

Luke left her with the guard at his side. When they got outside the throne room, the guard gave Luke his lightsaber back, and guided him to where they had landed outside the palace gates.

"We appreciate everything you and your people have done," Han said. "Thanks."

Everybody boarded, and got loaded up. Luke thought about the queens speech. Something about her. Stay in tune with your feelings, said Obi-Wan's voice in Luke's head.

Yes, said Yoda's voice. Attachments lead to fear. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

Luke nodded and took a deep breath. Han went to the cockpit, and they took off, leaving Naboo. Luke stared out the window and watched Naboo disappear as Han made the jump to hyperspace.


Luke fell asleep. He decided sleeping would rest his mind and help him during the meeting. Luke thought of all he'd learned. He was woken by Leia, 3 hours after he'd drifted off.

"Hey," Leia said. "I've been thinking..."

Luke sat up. "Are we at Coruscant?"

"Close." She said. "Han said maybe 3 more hours."

"Oh," Luke said. He was getting anxious, although patience was one thing Yoda and Obi-Wan constantly got onto him about. A way he was like his father... impatient.

Hey guys, sorry for ANOTHER short chapter. Hope you're enjoying. ;)

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