The Jedi Temple

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The guards and a few senators walked Luke to the Jedi temple.

"It hasn't been opened since Order 66 has happened," explained a senator of Coruscant. "I haven't an idea what you'll find, whether it be people, things, but we did clean up the bodies..."

"Oh," Luke said. "So no one has been in here?" Everybody shook their head no. "Any... Dangers?"

"Nobody is inside. Nobody but us has been inside since Order 66." Said a guard grumpily.

They arrived at the doors, and Luke pushed it open. It was dark inside the temple, and the only light was the opened door.

He looked behind him to the guard. The guard shook his head. He couldn't come in. Luke walked into the huge, empty dark building.


He walked a few more feet and the lights flickered on. He stood in amazement. It was beautiful. Bronze, with symbols and nooks and crannies, stair cases, and things carved into the walls. A few guards and senators let hungry eyes stare. Luke turned to them. What should he do? Shut the door? Let them come in? He was in complete confusion, which the feeling he would come absolutely 100% familiar to...

* * * * *

Luke walked up the steps. The senators closed the door, leaving him alone in darkness and in confusion. He was with himself, and had no idea who to trust as a padawan.

He wandered around a while, trying to find the Jedi quarters. There was a dungeon with holding cells and force fields. Padawan and youngling quarters. A library. Classrooms. Training areas. Simulations. Ship decks. Meeting rooms. It was almost morning by the time he found a holomap in the library. He looked at it. Morning light shown through the many windows. It was truly beautiful, and Luke wished he could've seen it when it was alive with people. He didn't want to sleep. He probably couldn't go to sleep anyways. R2D2 and threepio walked in. Luke smiled, glad to finally have company. No Jedi's existed anymore. Maybe R2 could help him send holograms to many planets to recruit padawans and younglings. That would stop the loneliness at least. The whole place was empty except for Luke, the only Jedi alive... Or, the only known Jedi.

"Good morning, sir," 3PO said.

"Hello, 3PO." Smiled Luke.

"We have someone here to see you!" Said 3PO excitedly. "Well, actually 2 people."

Luke nodded. "Bring them in." 3PO went to the door. Luke looked at R2. "Are they Jedi?" He asked very hopefully.

"Beep boop boop." R2 said. R2 didn't  know.

"Oh," Luke sighed, he was truly desperate. "Well hopefully."

Luke paced. He was currently in the library, and he wanted to read all the holobooks here. He'd try to read all of them, maybe when he'd recruited a few Jedi. He wondered what his first padawan would be like... What would be their fatal flaw? Greed? Loyalty? Pride?

Luke walked over to a shelf that had some books on it, and picked up one titled, One With The Force~ Training Younglings.

Luke started reading. He hoped that he would find some younglings. He hoped soon he would find a padawan. And most of all he hoped that there were other Jedi out there. It was a long shot rebuilding the Jedi order, he knew that. But it would be worth it. He kept reading, R2 beside him, pacing around, or just sitting there. Occasionally he would beep or boop. It was a while before 3PO finally came back. But when he did, it was worth it.

They both came in. The man had a cloak over his head. It covered his face.

Hey guys! So I've been thinking... Do you want me to throw in a new Jedi, or Ezra from Star Wars Rebels? I get some people just don't like Star Wars Rebels so I  just wanted to take a vote. Comment your answer: new Jedi, or Ezra?

Also, please hit that star and favorite, hit that speech bubble and comment, and hit that follow and follow me up! ;)

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