The Jedi

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The figure's cloaked darkened his face, leaving a mysterious feeling in Luke. He had a bad feeling about this. There was so much confusion and fear in the mystery person, Luke sensed it.

Luke's eyes dart to the floor, trying to see a reflection in the spotless golden floors. He could see mysterious Amber eyes and dark hair.

Luke looked up, staring at the mans shadowed face. The man looked up as well, and took off his hood.

He had black hair that fell in his eyes somewhat, and his amber eyes glistened. He was wearing Jedi's robes, and a Jedi cloak.

"I'm Tact." The Jedi introduced himself. "My brother, Dack... Has he arrived...?"

"Um, no," Luke said, faltering. Tact's eyes fell to the floor, and Luke's questions soared above the ceiling. Who was this man? Why is he so mysterious?

"The last hologram I got from Dack he was on his way. He'd have been here before me..." Tact said.

"Oh," Luke said.

"Anyways... I didn't complete my training. I'm merely a padawan and probably too old by now to become a Jedi." Said Tact. "I thought maybe I could be a librarian or guard. My brother Dack, he's a full Jedi..."

"Well a guard or Librarian sounds great. I need those 2 positions desperately. You can come to the council when you've decided- and your brother Dack. What position did he hold?" Asked Luke.

"He was a Jedi Knight. He defeated the Sith Lord Kranz, held off 200 droids by himself while the clones retreated..." Tact smiled. He was proud of his brother.

"Who is Kranz?" Luke couldn't help but ask.

Tact went to a shelf and disappeared for a moment. He emerged with a holobook, and then showed me a page.

Kranz Tarkz is a Sith Lord mastermind who outsmarts most of all his opponents. He would lure them into traps or trick them with tricks up his sleeve. You could never trust him and sometimes he disguised himself and snuck into places and caught you off guard, killing you in cold blood without you ever knowing he was there. He also doubled as a bounty hunter. He was a great leader until General Greivous was built and took his place. He sometimes would create secret traps like trap doors, trip wires, and arrows or explosions. He would sometimes blow up bridges or bases. He was truly a great actor and could disguise himself as anybody and sneak into anything. He was finally defeated by Dack Libbion, when they both engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel. Dack did defense until Kranz used all his tricks, and with his saved strength, defeated the Sith Lord.

Luke finished reading. Woahhh... He thought.

Tact smiled when he saw Luke's face. He took a great amount of pride in his brother. "My brother is very skilled. But he should've arrived yesterday. Did he not? Have you not seen him at the meeting?"

"No," Luke replied. "I am grand master Luke Skywalker. And-"

"I know who you are," Tact said. "I've been watching you. I attended the meeting last night."

"How? How did you get in? They must have not known you were a Jedi." Luke had a long moment of confusion before Tact changed the subject to being a librarian. Luke went to his chambers.

He walked in. The chambers were fairly small. There was a mat, a shelf, and a dresser. Luke put his bags on the floor beside his mat for now, and then walked into the room where the Jedi council met.

Luke felt the force strong here. He sat down on the nearest chair, which he didn't know, but it was Mace Windu's.

He cleared his mind, letting the force run through him, letting it help him see through Tact and Dack, letting it help him see Dack. He considered both sides of the decision on making Tact a librarian.

Yoda appeared beside him in his chair. His ghostly form shimmered. Obi-Wan appeared across the room, and then Anakin.

"Great thought in you, I sense," Master Yoda said. "That is good."

"Meditating is also good," Obi-Wan noticed. "You are very wise."

"Thank you, masters." Luke smiled. Luke cut right to the point quickly. "Do you think it is wise for me to let Tact become librarian?"

"Lots of secrets, the library holds," Yoda said grimly. "I sense lots of anger and confusion in young Tact."

"Perhaps just a guard?" Asked Luke.

Obi-Wan shook his head, "I knew Tact well. He wouldn't-"

"People change," Anakin spoke up. "After all... I changed." Anakin sounded ashamed. "I destroyed the whole Jedi order. And if it happens again-"

"Speak like that, we will not," Yoda said. "Trust in Tact, we will. Hope, we will have."

"Yes, master," Anakin, Obi-Wan and Luke said at the same time.

"we must go," Obi-Wan said. "But good luck."

And with that the 3 ghosts left, leaving Luke with a worry about Tact.

He took a deep breath, and then walked down to the library to find Tact looking at the book titles.

"The Jedi council requests your presence," Luke said.

Tact smirked and stifled a laugh. "By that you mean you?"

Luke laughed as well. "It's not as official with only one Jedi."

"I agree, master," said Tact. Luke almost froze in his tracks... Master? Well, he was. It'd take some getting used to. Other Jedi older than he calling him master. Tact looked about age 50 or 60.

The two walked in silence to the council chambers. Luke took a seat in Master Windu's old chair, and cleared his throat.

"What's your last name?" Luke asked.

Tact looked at him darkly. "Never mind that."

Luke didn't know how to react so he slowly nodded.

"Tact... Will be our new official Jedi temple librarian. Any objections?" Asked Luke.

The room was of course silence. Luke continued, "it is official."

"Thank you, master." Tact said. Then he mentioned, "I would be happy to train any guards, or teach history lessons to padawans."

"That will be a great help. But be mindful. I will keep a great watch on all your duties, not out of mistrust, but out of security for our padawans." Luke informed him.

Tact smiled, bowed and left. Luke sat for a while, wondering why Tact didn't share his last name...

How is it so far?

Since nobody commented I chose my choice. Srry...

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