The Droid Shop

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After Tact had given him directions, he was set. Luke had of course needed directions, as unlike on Tatooine, droid shops didn't stand out as much. Heck, it was pretty easy to see a huge sand crawler in the middle of a desert. However, on Coruscant, you might think something was a pet shop and you'd go inside and see it was a bar. That was the thing Luke didn't like. The crowds, the noise, the lights, the too many buildings, all clumped together, and looking the same.

Luke walked down the street, took a left, walked a few more yards, took a right, a few more yards, another left, left, left, right, left, right right. Luke's legs were getting tired when he hit a dead end and saw the ship at the end. It was hard to miss, and if Luke had to be honest, it was close to the same design of a sand crawler, and about half the size- which was still pretty big. A neon sign above said, Niffaars Droid Shop and Other Stuff except the S in stuff was hanging off, only still attached with a few wires.

Luke went inside hastily, hoping the boulder sized S wouldn't fall off and crush him...

Inside the shop it was sloppy. The counter was cluttered with tools and wires. Droid parts were all over the place, and some droids sat there beeping and moving crazily, obviously with some kind of coding error or virus.

With A jingle of beads, the door opened  and out stepped an old man, and 6 MSE-6's- or mouse droids- following him.

"Can I help-" The man stopped mid sentence and stared at Luke. Luke was confused and put his guard up. "Luke? Luke Skywalker? Is that you?"

Luke was confused. He'd never met this man. "My name is Luke Skywalker. Son of Anakin Skywalker."

"I know, I know! And your mother! Senator Amidala!" Smiled the man. "My name is Deston." The mans smile faded, as if he'd remembered something unpleasant. "Come. We should talk." Deston gestured to the door he had come out of. "I have a lot to tell you."

Luke, very confused, followed slowly and toned into his surroundings. The man had the force with him, and it was very light and strong. Luke knew what this could mean. Luke followed the man into the office of the mans shop, which was just as messy as the rest, except it had enough space for 6-10 people comfortably. It had a couch and 3 seats, and a few other things that could do as seating arrangements as well.

Both of the men sat down, and sadness spread across Deston's face.

"I know your family..." Deston looked up sadly at the roof. "I knew Senator Amidala, as well as I knew General Skywalker."

"How?" Luke pondered the thought that this might be the last man with connections to his family personally. Luke breathed deeply calling the force for answers, but none came specifically. The force wasn't exactly dark, but it wasn't light either.

"My name is Deston Charter. I was one of your mothers guards. She needed guards since she was hunted down so much. I worked for her in the galactic senate, before the sith took over..." Deston informed me, leaning back in his chair. "I knew her very well, as well as the chancellor, and your father. I knew them so well, and I still hadn't an idea of Anakin and the Senators relationship. They never acted as if they had anything to hide... never acted as if they shared any emotions. Never acted anything but friends."

Luke looked down, and furrowed his eyebrows, as he quietly said, "How long... how long did you know them?"

Deston took a drawn out sigh as he thought, and then replied, "Your mother? I knew her for 4 years. I worked very closely with her and Anakin. Anakin was assigned many times to protect her and rescue her from any harm. He was a dashing Jedi Knight. He was more force sensitive than Yoda, as determined by Qui-Gon... but Yoda sensed the fear and confusion in him. That's why the Jedi were leery of appointing Anakin to the council. They feared he would have too great a responsibility, and too much information, that it would lead to even more fear and stress and confusion. That made him angry. He was cocky about his experience and abilities, and believed he was the strongest Jedi and should be made a Jedi Master. He was impatient and young..." Deston looked at the ceiling. "Obi-Wan... Yoda... they never told you this? Did they sense you were far too much like your father...?"

Luke's eyes drifted, knowing he was much like his father. He would do anything to save Han, Leia, and Chewie. He had tried to move too quickly to do so. He had tapped into fear and hatred to defeat his father.

"I don't know. I am much like my father. But I had opportunities. I was tempted by the dark side. I was given the chance to rule the galaxy twice. And now I'm here." Luke said.

"It's time for you to know... I wanted to take your mothers hand in marriage but I knew she would decline. She was beautiful. She was cunning, and a strong warrior. She was brave. She was smart. But I was her guard, and not only would she never love me, but the relationship was to be left mutual. That was also how it was supposed to be between Ani and her, but..." he paused, and shrugged.

"How did you know I wanted these answers?" Luke asked.

"I didn't think anybody had told you."

"You're a force user." Luke said.

Deston sighed, and went to his cluttered shelf. He picked up a box and brought out a bronze, black, and silver cylinder. "I was at one point a padawan myself. But unable to graduate due to my own drop out."

"Still. Only powerful and well trained Jedi know the ways of when another doesn't know something." Luke said. Deston looked baffled as to how Luke had put 2 and 2 together. "You have a message?"

Deston sighed. "I had many friends that were Jedi. After Order 66 I felt alone. I was scared. I wanted to forget my past. So I drank. I drank to dull the force in me. I wanted to forget everything- from my heartbrokeness from the death of your mother, and that she had a secret relationship and 2 children. I wish I'd have known about Anakin and her, so I couldn't feel for her anymore when it was no use. I hadn't ever gotten to tell her goodbye. Everybody mourned her lost. But 2 days ago I had a vision... I..." he sighed, exasperated, and sad.

"Can you please come with me? To the Jedi Temple?" Luke asked. "I want to talk to you more."

"I would love to..." He said. "But now... how may I help you?"

It's been a year since I've updated, I edited it all first because this books descriptions reallllllyy weren't that great. Thank you for sticking around. <3

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