Cute Family Moment

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So um hey guys... so I just realized it's been a good 5 months since I updated... I'm super duper sorry I've just been really busy with marching band, student council, and freshman year.

So I'm back now!

My head: *cheers of joy from everyone*

real life: *crickets because who even reads this and since I'm sitting in my bedroom on my laptop*

Anyway, on we gooooooo

----Clary POV----

         Some infinites are simply bigger than other infinities I guess. Death is a part of life and life is a part of death. Everyday someone's brother, sister, husband, wife, daughter, son or reason they're still strong enough to live dies. It's just something that people have had to grow accustomed with.

           But, before you crazy fangirls and fanboys flip out, Jace is not dead. I'm simply talking about the book The Fault In Our Stars. My life hasn't really been that extraordinary unless you count the whole being a shadowhunter extraordinary. I always thought only people with extraordinary lives found extraordinary lovers, but apparently I was wrong. Now, here's the Clace part to this joyous chapter you've been waiting for.


       "JACE!" I screamed for my husband who is currently no where to be found. Then again, I haven't really been looking because he won't let me get up because he thinks I'm going to give birth any moment now, probably because I could. Due to his overprotective father/husband role I've been forced to read various mundane books like The Hunger Games, Divergent, An Abundance of Katherines and now The Fault In Our Stars. All of this reading has given me time to think about mine and Jace's relationship. I'll I've really thought about it old memories, that aren't really that since  we're only 24.

       "Clary! What's the matter?" I hear Jace scream from downstairs. Before I can answer I hear his feet running up the stairs then he appears hold our daughter Rose.

        "I was just lonely and since you won't let me leave I figured family time while sitting on our bed would have to due" As I'm talking the four year old girl climbs out of his arms and come and lays down next to me.

        "Mommy, I have a question. Do you love the baby in your tummy?" Rose asks me while looking up at me with her big green eyes.

        "Well of course I do honey" I answer her with a laugh.

         "But, if you love him, why'd you eat him Mommy? Now I'll never be a big sister" She tells me with tears threatening to spill.

         "Oh Rose," Jace says with a laugh, "Mommy didn't eat your brother, he just has to stay in her tummy until he's big enough."

        "Well, how'd he get in there in the first place then, Daddy" She asks her father as I try to hold back a laugh and he looks at me wide eyed for help.

      "Umm, uh, that's a story for when you're older" He says trying to think of a response. "Why don't you tell Mommy about the coloring you drew." He says trying to change the subject before she could ask further.

      "Oh yeah! I'll be right back Mommy. Don't go anywhere" She says jumping off the bed and running to her bedroom down the hall.

      "Hello beautiful, it's been a while hasn't it?" Jace says laying next to me wrapping me in his arms.

       "If by a while you mean seven hours, then yes. Yes it has Jace." I tell him with a laugh as Rose runs back into our room, jumps on the bed, and wriggles her way in-between me and Jace.

        "Mommy, look at the picture I drew of our family!" She says excitedly showing me a picture of three stick figures. One with gold dots for eyes and blonde hair, one with red hair and green dots for eyes with a bump over her stomach, standing in-between them is a shorter on with blonde hair and green eyes. "See Mommy, here's Daddy, me, and you!"

       "Aww Rose, it's the best drawing I've ever seen. I love it" I tell her and her smile grows wider.

        "Are you going to be an artist like Mommy when you get bigger Rose?" Jace asks her while examining the picture.

       "Maybe, but I want to battle demons like you too Daddy!" Rose says excitedly to her father.

       "Well, Mommy can fight demons too. Just not right now, we don't want her or baby Will getting hurt now do we?" Jace asks our daughter.

       "No we don't Daddy. We have to protect Mommy and my baby brother, I'll never ever ever let anything happen to him" Rose says switching into her big sister mode.

      "Well then I'll make sure nothing ever happens to you or Mommy." Jace says getting off the bed and swinging Rose around.

     "And since I'm the Mommy, I won't ever let anything happen to any of you." I say laughing at the sight of Rose giggling loudly and Jace spinning her around in circles.

      They soon got tired and collapsed onto the bed with me. Within five minutes the father/daughter duo was fast asleep, both cuddled up to my side. "Goodnight my loves, I love you both so much." I say smiling down at them.


So here's a new chapter, FINALLY.

I realized something while I was writing this, IT'S BEEN OVER A YEAR SINCE I STARTED THIS BOOK

No matter if you started reading the first week or last week, I am incredibly thankful for every single one of you lovely human beings. I love y'all!

When I started writing this book I never expected to even get 36 reads. Now here I am with 36,300 reads. Guys, that absolutely amazing. Every time one of you comments, "I love this" "This is one of my favorite fanfics" "I've read this so many times" It makes me one of the happiest teenage girls ever. I cannot express my gratitude for all that has happened in the past year. Thank you so much for giving me a chance and clicking the read button when you came across my story. 

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