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I groan and hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. Monday why do you hate me so? You know what. I don't care because next week theres school then winter break. Why can't I just lay in bed forever? Oh yeah school. I look at my alarm clock. It's 7:03 pm.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I shower, brush my teeth, blow dry my hair, and pee. Not in that order. After I threw on a light blue jean button down top, that was a little big on my. I pushed up the sleeves and threw on a pair of leggings and my black/grayish combat boots. My hair out. I was gonna straighten it but I decided to have a natural look today. No makeup either, even though I rarely wear it anyways.

I grab my bag a toss it over my shoulders. I head downstairs and grabbed a yogurt from the fridge. "Toss me an apple." Jason said as he came into the kitchen. I toss him a green one and when he takes a bite he makes a face then throw the apple out.

"That was a waste." He shrugs his shoulder and goes in the fridge.

"Hey you coming to the game tonight right?"

"Of course I always go." I toss my empty yogurt packet out.

"Just checking." He says as he closes the fridge and turns to me "We need food."

"Then go to the store and get some." He sighs and heads toward the door "Your seriously going now?"

"If you don't want McDonalds-"

"No objection. Let's go."

After McDonalds we head to school. We get to school a little late but who cares?

Okay maybe I care a little but it's not that bad.

After my first three periods I had Art. While I was heading my normal way to class I saw eyes on me.

Why was everyone looking at me? It's weird and creepy. Like them. Ha!

I fail at being funny.

I walk down the hall way only to see April and Kai making out right down the hall. You heard me right April and Kai. My eyes feel violated. And that weird pain is back. I hate it.

I decide to take the long way to class because ew. I really am not the biggest fan of PDA. Ugh why the hell are people looking at me?

I stop in front of a girl with red hair "Hey why is everyone looking at me?"

"Well everyone thinks you and Kai are dating but he is kissing April."

I snort "Me and Kai? Ew gross. He could do what ever he wants with who ever he wants as long as it's not me." I furrow my brows in disgust. The thought of me and Kai sends chills down my spine. The problem was I didn't know if there good or bad.

"So your in a open relationship?" She asks

"We not in any relationship. None. Zilch. Zero."

"Oh." She says and I begin walking to my art class.

My teacher wanted us to draw what ever inspires us. So a few days ago I started my drawing and today I'm gonna try and finish the drawing.

It takes 30 minutes before I feel like it's complete. I smile at the picture in front of me. It's of buildings and buildings. 

Looks like the view from the hotel when you were with Kai. Shut it brain.

My teacher walks up to me and exams my painting. "What inspires you Alex?"

"The beauty of the culture is as humans built. I know it's cheesy but I think that fact we created all these things just by believing we could. It gives me hope for a better future."

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