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I run down the street, chest burning but I keep going. I'm not a runner but considering the occasion I'm gonna have to suck it up. I push past the people on the street. I stopped apologizing after the first ten people I hit. I don't care about the dirty glares, I have to hurry up before I'm too late.

I enter the building, rush up the stairs and banged on the door with force, so much force. Once the door opened the words came out before I could stop myself and think of what I wanted to say.

"Tell me it's not true."

72 hours earlier

It has been a month since my dad finally dropped the fact I don't have to date or get married due to business. I've been happier than usual and it helps that I've been dating Kai.

Yep, you heard me right. I'm dating Kai Parker. After everything that has happened. I have been happy. I'm just scared when the whole thing comes crashing down.

Kai appears next to me and intertwines our fingers. You know I never thought I'd see this side of Kai. The thing that really gets me is that he went from jerk to nice in a second. It wasn't one of those cliche books when the good girl gets to know the bad boy and he changes after time. That's what I'm on edge about but I can't keep thinking about this. I like him so I should just continue to be happy.

Plus my life is not some book.

The whole day I've been getting dirty looks from girls. One of them even asked me what does Kai see in me since I'm "a potato." Of course I laughed and replied "Potatoes turn to french fries, it's common sense." I enter the auditorium and sat down in a chair with Kat on my right and Kai on my left. When Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Ackles entered they were followed along with the guidance counselor and the principal. Oh god please tell me they caught the creep.

"We need everyone's attention." The principal says standing in align with the other three. "I don't know if you are aware of this but your secrets have been being posted on our school website." I roll my eyes. Tell us something we don't know. "Well recently one has been posted which increases our concern for you." I furrow my eyebrows. What?

I grab my phone and check out the school website. My heart drops and I can't find any words. It's my secret. This is mine.

"We want you to know that me and your teachers are always here to help you and talk with you." The guidance consoler, Ms. Rice, speaks.

"We also wanted to know who's was that. I know we told you this was all confidential but this is a serious matter." Mrs. Jackson spoke.

I looked over at Kat with tears forming in my eyes. I feel like she knows it was mine the way she sent me back a sympathetic look.

"For those who don't know the secret reads 'I think about dying more than I do about graduating high school.' So can the owner of that please step up and come talk to us?" Mr. Ackles adds.

I take a deep breathe but as I am about to stand up Kat pulls me down and stands up "It's mine." Heads all snap to her direction and then she walks down to the teachers. Why did she do that? What was the purpose of that? She did that for me. All these thoughts run through my head as the guidance consoler and principal escort her out of the auditorium and Mrs. Jackson speaks up "Let's just have a free period today."

"I'll be right back." Kai whispers in my ear before kissing me on the cheek and walking over to Mr. Ackles.

"Hey Alex." April says taking a seat next to me "Would you say we're friends?"

"Um I don't know." I reply.

"Well as your friend I want you to know that your boyfriend cheated on you Sunday." I roll my eyes knowing she's just trying to get in my head.

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