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"So who's you bimbo for homecoming?" I asked Jason

"She's not a bimbo." He replied

"Oh yeah who is she?"

"It's Tori."

"Tori. As in Victoria? As in Victoria Ackles my friend?"

"That's the one." Cole said plopping down on Jason's bed holding a Coke.

"She said yes? To you?"

"Don't sound so surprised okay?"

"Sorry" I raise my hand in defense. "Can I get some?" I send a smile to Cole who finishes taking a sip, closes the bottle, and tosses it to me. I catch it "And it's a perfect catch." I said before drinking some of the Coke and tossing it back to him. "So what about you?" I look at Cole

"What about me?"

"Who are you taking to homecoming?" I asked

"Wouldn't you like to know." He smirked

"Actually I would."

"Curiosity kills the cat." I stick my tongue out at him

"Wow" My brother says closing his laptop

"What?" I asked him. Did something happen? Is everything okay?

"Yeah it's nothing I was just on the schools website."

"Can't people just ignore those god damn secrets."

Cole rolled his eyes and asked "What this time?"

"The person doing this took over the schools page and wrote a personal letter."

My eyes practically flew out of its socket "What" me and Cole said unison

He opens the laptop and says "Listen" he then began to read "Hello students and staff members, this is my page now. I decided to extended the circle of secrets from Mr. Ackles and Mrs. Jackson's seventh period class to everyone. I will continue to put up their secrets but others will come out. I am here so there will be no more secrets. Everyone knows that secrets always come out. Goodbye... For now."

We were all silent for a while.

I can't let my secret come out and even if it does I can't let them know it's mine. I have to play it cool.

"Cause that's not creepy." I said

"Nows not the time for sarcasm." Cole says

"It never is" I reply shaking my head "Don't let some creep wanting attention affect our mood."

"Alex you don't get it." Jason said

"I don't get it? It's happening to me too so trust me I completely understand."

"Guys not now." Cole interrupted us

I rolled my eyes then turned to Jason and asked "Can I tell you something?" He nods and I continue "I'm going to see a therapist next month."

"What? Why?"

"Our lovely parents set it up because they believed I need someone to talk to."

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