chapter 12

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Rebecca's POV

I looked over to our next door neighbours andthere was the frat house having a party!! The music was loud and there were people everywhere. Who does he thi8nk he is just throwing a random party when I asked them to not have any partys bcause my family in coming over but no they dont listen.

I was ssitting on this guys lap, Handre Pollard, he was friends with my cousin, Pat Lambie. As I was sitting on his lap my phone buzzed, I picked it up and saw that my phonne was on 10%. I quickly told Jessi that I needed to go get something something from our room and that I will be back now now. I got off of Handres lap at ran up the stairs, because you know that feeling when your phone is about to die and you feel like you are about to die. Yeah I had that feeling.

As I got up stairs, I opened my draw and grabbed my purple iphone charger. Jessi and I have cloured coded our things so we dont lose eachothers things. When I was about to leave our room, I looked outside our window and there was Harry looking straight at me. He then got up and walked over to his window so he could get a better look, I did the same thing. I walked out onto our platform and looked at him. His beautiful long hair was blowing in the wind. We just stared at eachother for about 5 minutes until I rolled my eyes and left him standing there with a smirk on his face.

I went back to the party downstairs and went straight to Niall to see what was up with Harry.

"Hey Niall um why is Harry all of a sudden angry me, I have done nothing wrong to him and he is acting like I dont even exist anymore!" I was so out of breath after asking that question

"Okay well you see um, first of all, Harry was upset that you didnt invite him over today, but I told him that I am dating Jessi and he wasnt dating you, okay... then when he came with me to your guys house, Jessi opened the door and you were on Handres lap which made him really pissed so yeah." Niall explained

"Well he has no right to be mad at me for I have done nothing wrong, he isn't the one that has a dad that this they have a 'fuck buddy'"

I soon became more calm when my favourite song came on, Fresh Off The Grill by Dan Farber, its such a cool song to dance to and guess what, I danced to it with Ashleigh.

The party was now over and everyone has left. It was now 10 o'clock at night and I have had the biggest day ever and I just wanted to sleep. Ashleigh was sleeping over so Jessi and I pushed our beds together to make a BIG bed for all of us and as soon as my head hit that pillow, I was out.

Next day with friends over

Today Jessi, Niall, Zayn, Ashleigh and I were having a picnic in our backyard. Sitting in a circle all chatting about life.

Last night Harry phoned me and explained why he was acting like that and everything. We both apologised, I offered if he would like to come over to our little 'picnic' but he said that he already had plans which I was fine with.

I looked around at everyone's drinks and saw that they were low so I got up and told them I will go get more drinks. Zayn quickly jumped up and said that he would help, I accepted the offer.

When we got into the kitchen I opened the fridge to get the juice out until Zayn spoke up.

"Hey Becca um you are like one of my closest friends and I cant keep this from you for ever sooo."

I looked at him with a confused look on my face.

"Yeah sure Zayn, whats wrong??" I asked him quite nervously

He looked up from me and said...

"Becca, I know something about Harry that you dont know about and I dont think you want to know......."



* One Direction as themselves
* Rebecca as Sarah Hyland
* Jessi as Selena Gomez
* Ashleigh as Ariana Grande

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