Will You Help Me?

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Emma walked through the streets it was around midnight and she hadn't seen anyone in four weeks. Slowly she walked down the sidewalk to Regina's house and knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" Regina asked sounding groggy. Emma sniffed wiping her tears on her sleeve.
"It's Emma." She whispered softly and the door was thrust open and Regina lead her inside looking generally generally concerned.

"Where have you been I haven't seen you in like four weeks?" Regina asked softly and Emma began to cry lightly and Regina pulled her into a hug.
"She made me because she took my blanket and I did what she asked and now she won't give it back to me and I would ask Astrid but .....you're so much more scarier and you can scare mean old mother Superior please?" She begged and Regina could feel her blood boil.

"She had no right to take something that doesn't belong to her. Come on let's go!" Regina exclaimed pulling a coat from the closet as she took Emma's hand.
"We're we going?" Emma asked softly and Regina smirked.

"We're getting your blanket back!" Regina told her firmly and Emma's face brightened for the first time in four weeks.


Regina slamed into the orphanage startling a bunch of nuns who looked fearful.
"Madame Mayor!" Astrid exclaimed fearfully and mother Superior raced out of her office.
"Emma what did I say about rules? Now leave the mayor be!" She commanded and Emma scowled

"No Regina is my best friend and you're wrong life is about making friends and doing good otherwise you end up like Scrooge!" Emma shouted and Regina was beyond touched no one had ever called her friend before.

"That's right and I've heard that you have been treating my friend badly." Regina told her icily and Mother Superior stammered.
"Oh...uh well uh I didn't know Emma was your friend." She fumbled and Regina smirked.

"Well she is and she's going to go grab her stuff because guess what? She is going to live with her father ! And I'd like her possession that you stole from her back. You better hurry otherwise I see it fit to revoke your child care license!" She spat with a smirk and Mother Superior scowled but left then returned reluctantly with Emma's blanket.

Emma smiled hugging Regina tightly she then hugged Astrid before she took her blanket and followed Regina out.
"You really think my dad will want me ? Cause if he does then I'll get to see you lots again!!" Emma exclaimed happily and Regina chuckled.

"I sure hope so, come on let's go!" She exclaimed grabbing Emma's hand.

To Be Continued...

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