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Mary Margaret slamed into the sheriff's station, startling Graham, who was sitting in his desk.
"Ms Blanchard!" He exclaimed standing quickly.

"Before you ask I'm here to report a kidnapping!" She spat while Emma wandered around the station aimlessly.
"Who was kidnapped?" Graham asked worriedly and she scowled.
"Emma and I were, we just barely escaped with our lives! That psycho was threatening us with a gun and demanding crazy things." Mary Margaret snapped and Emma stood next to Graham studying him intently.

"Who were you?" She asked catching him off guard.
"What?" He asked and Emma frowned concentrating on his face.
"What fairy tale character were you?" She asked and Mary Margaret sighed.

"Emma I'm talking, please go sit down." She begged and Emma obliged but rather bitterly. While Mary Margaret was talking Emma began flipping through her storybook.

Emma stayed that way for ten minutes while Graham who was trying to get more information out of Mary Margaret.
When Emma landed on a page that had a picture that looked exactly like Graham. Emma swiftly read over the page and smiled.

She opened her mouth to tell him then stopped when she remembered what Mary Margaret had said. So she slowly stood and made her way out the door.

Emma grinned she had to visit Red and talk to her about this.

To Be Continued...

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