You're a Crazy Person!!!

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Emma frowned as she woke up and shook her head, trying to regain conscience. Finally the blurry room began to become more focused and Emma remembered all that had happened.

Fearfully Emma grabbed a teacup and broke it against the table and used its shards to cut the ropes that bounded her hands.

Swiftly she raced down the hallway looking for a way out. She stopped though when she heard muffled screaming.
"Hello?" Emma whispered fearfully. Slowly Emma opened the door and frowned.
"Mary Margret?" She asked racing to her teacher's side.

She had just removed the gag around her mouth when she heard a gun click. Emma stiffened fearfully as she turned and spotted Jefferson standing in the doorway gun raised.

Emma slowly raised her hands in surrender.
"Okay, don't shoot me!" She whispered taking a step back.
"I won't shoot you or Snow White here so long as you do what I ask." He told her and Emma's face brightened.

"Wait you know about the curse?" She asked excitedly and he nodded.
"That I do and I'm the mad hatter." He told her and Emma's smile only grew.
"The mad hatter, like from Alice and wonderland?" She asked and he nodded tipping his hat to her.

"Yes, and I need your help with something if you don't mind." He whispered and Emma nodded with a smile.
"Of course I'd love to! But only if you let Mary Margaret come too." She told him and he grinned.

"Of course." He told her picking up Mary Margaret's chair as they walked down the hallway she whispered so only he could hear.
"Playing with a little girl's emotions and fantasies is sick! " she spat and he chuckled.
"You know what I find funny is everyone wants a magical solution to their problems yet no one wants to believe in magic."

Mary Margaret scowled at him deeply irritated. Emma beamed at her though as she tried to start the hat up.
Emma cowered away as Jefferson screamed in frustration at Emma not being able to get the hat to work.

Mary Margaret, who had been slowly working on her ropes with a small piece of glass, broke her ropes and slowly stood. When Jefferson turned she picked up the telescope and smacked him over the head.

Acting on instinct she scooped Emma into her arms and took off down the hall. She opened a door and realized it was a dead end. Slowly she put Emma down and began to look for a weapon.

Then Jefferson appeared pointing his gun at them. Emma swiftly kicked him in the shin making him drop the gun. Emma made a run for it but he dived in front of her and they wrestled for the gun.

He shoved Emma hard into a bookshelf making her yelp as he stood and pointed the gun at her, a smug grin plastered across his face. Snow slowly grabbed a croquette mallet and whacked him over the head and kicked him out the window.

Emma stood and raced to the window.
"Whoah! I told you, you could fight!!" She exclaimed and Mary Margaret smiled weakly as she looked out the window and frowned in confusion when all she saw was Jefferson's hat.

She sighed rubbing her temples before she shook her head and knelt in front of Emma.
"Are you alright?" She asked and Emma nodded brightly. Mary Margaret nodded slowly before she took Emma's hand and lead her out of the house.

"Come on Emma we're stopping at the sheriff's station." Mary Margaret told her softly, still trembling from the who crazy ordeal.
To Be Continued...

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