Trouble and Make it a Double

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Emma and Burney slowly treaded down the sidewalk. Rather reluctantly.
"You know Burney we could just run the other way and never look back!" She suggested and he gave her a pointed look.

"No Emma, come on its like ripping a band aid off." He encouraged her and she rolled her eyes
"A very sticky and smothering band aid." She grumbled as they rounded the corner and saw a rather large group standing outside of Granny's.

"Either there's another villan in town or that's a search party for you." He told her and Emma sighed.
"Ugh facing my parents is one thing but the whole town is another!!" Emma grumbled turning to run but Burney grabbed her arm and lead her towards the mob.

"Come on Burney let's just go back to Baelfire's it's safer and less parent infested." Emma begged as he laughed shaking his head.
"Sorry Emma but we're ripping the band aid off now." He told her
"Come on burnster why not let it fester for a little bit ? There's no harm in leaving it on for like another hour or so!" She tried and he just rolled his eyes then started pushing through the crowd.

"Pardon me, excuse us." He exclaimed skillfully moving through the crowd as he walked pulling an extremely reluctant Emma behind him.

Finally they reached the front of the crowd and Emma saw a lot of familiar faces including Mother Superior. Emma ducked behind Burney fearfully.
"Maybe my parents are inside ." Emma whispered and Burney nodded opening the door for her as she practically dived inside.

Standing around a table was Emma's parents, Red , Regina ,and Burney's parents.
"I think we should check the woods again what do you think Shrek? " Charming asked him and he scratched his head.
"I don't know bout this? You think they went into the woods?" He asked
"It's a possibility." Charming told him honestly.

Then Red sniffed the air and her eyes landed on Emma and Burney.
"No need for the search parties they are here." She explained gesturing to the two preteens.
"Burney!" Fiona exclaimed pulling Burney into a hug.

"Emma what happened to your eye?!?" Regina asked and Emma cursed having forgotten about her black eye entirely.
"Um I fell on a rock." She tried and he mom raced over tilting her head so she could examine the wound.

"A rock in the shape of a fist?" She asked and Emma smiled charmingly.
"Yep it was a hand shaped rock." She told her and her mom crossed her arms in anger.
"Last chance one more lie and you'll be grounded longer than you already are going to be!" Her mom told her and Emma scowled.

"Fine if you must know, this boy was stealing Burney's lunch money and I confronted him and he refused to give back the money so Burney was going to punch him....and the big wuss used me as his personal force field." Emma grumbled and Fiona grabbed Burney's ear.

"Burney no more punching, what have I told you?!" She asked angrily and Burney sighed.
"Only punch enemies but mom he was asking for it!" He tried but she pulled him out of the diner.

"Sorry." Shrek mumbled before he disappeared out the door after his wife.
"I'll go tend to the crowd." David whispered and Emma frowned
"Dad don't leave me alone with them!" She hissed and he just winked before retreating out the door.

Again she felt her mother lift her face to inspect her bruised eye.
"Does it hurt?" She asked softly and Emma shook her head.
"No, I'm use to stuff like this." She told her and Snow frowned kneeling in front of her daughter.

"I think we should get some ice on that. Come on Em let's go home." She whispered her voice faltering slightly as she held her hand out for Emma to take.

To Be Continued...
Okay guy just wanted to let you know that I changed chapter 32 title so its only been two weeks later rather than two months. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter

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