Make new friends

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Emma followed Baelfire through town as he described his father to her and Burney.
"So he had brown hair and brown eyes?" Burney asked and bae nodded.

"That's kind of a vague description. Do you have any other information we could use?" Emma asked and he shook his head.
"Nope but I'll let you know if you remember anything else." Bae told her with a grin and she nodded somewhat hesitantly.

"Um I'll be staying in this abandoned house with some friends of mine. So if you need me I'll be here." He told them and Emma crossed her arms.
"I'd like to meet these friends of yours first before I just leave to gather information about your dad." Emma told him stubbornly and he sighed.

"Fine follow me." He sighed opening the front door as he side stepped and let Emma and Burney walk inside.

Emma spotted four kids all ranging from ten to possibly fifteen.
"Guys this is Emma and Burney, Emma and Burney this is the guys." Bae told them cheekily and Emma punched his arm making him yelp.

"I'm probably going to get in major trouble for running off and it'll be your fault now tell me their names!" Emma commanded and he laughed rubbing his shoulder.

"Okay okay the girl with the black hair and blue eyes that's ducky she's twelve, the fifteen year old that's Felix and those two boys are Ryan and Dylan the blonde one is Ryan and the red head is Dylan and they're both twelve." He explained and Emma smiled at them. Although she kind of wondered why they looked so filthy and Felix was wearing a cloak.

Ryan's POV:

While Bae was giving us our instructions zoned out on Emma's Golden hair. It sparkled every time it moved like her eyes. She seemed strong or pretty dang tough. I had to talk to her I just had to. I knew Dylan would be like 'Dude she's way out of your league' but I honestly didn't care. I flipped my luscious blonde locks and smirked
"Hello beautiful " I exclaimed.

She looked at me strangely, like I was ugly or something, it was getting awkward. My brother Dylan face palmed shaking his head at me. Emma frowned and continued on with Baelfire, which made me beyond jealous.

Dylan's POV:
My brother was trying to flirt with that girl Emma. I figure I should apologize for his obnoxious behavior. Since she seemed uneasy after his flirting.
She was leaning against the balcony looking out over Storybrooke.

I put my hand on the railing , only a few inches from hers which made her look up at me.
"Hey" she murmured
"Hi I'm Dylan." I responded and she smiled faintly.
"I'm Emma ." she told me softly and I rubbed the back of my head nervously.
"Look I'm sorry about my brother be basically flirts with every girl within walking distance." I explained "but I don't do that! And I'm not here to flirt!"

"Thanks!" She exclaimed softly and we begin to talk about life and everything. We had something in common we both wanted someone to trust.

To Be Continued...
Hey guys I hope you like this chapter :) it was collaboration with the wonderfully talented
Oncer-At-Heart so I hope you liked it and please follow her she's awesome

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