Who Are You?

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Regina and Red waited for Snow and Charming to leave before they turned and cornered Marcie.
"Just who are you?" Regina asked and Marcie leaned forward almost as if she was about to say something then she chuckled.

"I'm Marcie Parker, that's all I am and forever will be." She told then and Red scowled irritably.
"No, I think you're hiding something, and we will not rest until you tell us what it is." Red threatend and Marcie stood a smug grin crossing her face.

"How quaint of you but I already removed my pages from Emma's little book of her's, so you'll forever be in the dark because I have one over on you. I know who you are evil Queen and Red rididng hood but you have no idea who I am." She told them then she got close to their face like only a inch away and whispered "and I intend to keep it that way."

She then stood and shoved Red and Regina back and made her way towards the exit when Emma came rushing into the room.
"Regina! Ruby!" She yelled excitedly then froze when she saw Marcie.

"Emma darling!" She exclaimed walking towards her and Emma frowned.
"Don't come any closer, I just fought a dragon!" Emma threatend and Marcie laughed leaning close to Emma she whispered so only Emma could hear her.

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You're not the first orphan I've dealt with sweetheart." She spat just as Regina pulled her away from her.
"So long Emma don't worry the sun will come out tomorrow." She laughed as she raced away just as Snow and Charming rushed in.
"Emma! Don't you ever run off like that again." Snow chided and Emma just nodded still watching where Marcie had exited from. One question kept repeating itself in her mind.
"Just who was Marcie Parker really and just what was she hiding?"

To Be Continued...

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