Apples Are Evil

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Ms Parker rushed behind the ambulance as she was wheeled into the hospital. She frowned thoughtfully the brat had managed to break the curse! She sighed slumping into a waiting room chair.

She had been lucky Regina or anyone else hadn't recognized her. That's all she needed, was to be recognized, but she had only met Regina once and it was a very long time ago so one can only hope her ignorance would remain just that.

She had done something to the child and now she was stuck here. For awhile anyway. Her secret hopefully would remain, she had escaped the curse before and although it hadn't been exactly fair but she'd gladly do it again.

Just then both Snow White and Prince Charming raced into the hospital followed by Red and Regina.
"What happend ?" Regina asked the nurse who scowled at Regina deeply.
"Well Regina she ate something, I'm sure you will recognize" she told her with a scowl and Regina frowned in confusion something that brought a smug smile to Marcie Parker's lips.

"What?" Regina asked looking incredibly annoyed and the nurse frowned deeply.
"An apple turnover, she ate an apple turnover then she collapsed." She hissed and Regina frowned and Snow gasphed.

"Regina!" She started but Regina cut her off.
"No, I gave it to that Marcie woman, who probably gave it to Emma." She told her and Snow scowled.
"And I'm supposed to believe that?" She asked murderously and Regina sighed rolling her eyes.

"I'll admit that my plan was getting rid of Emma but your daughter is too Charming and she weaseled her way into my life." Regina told her and Snow frowned locking eyes with Marcie.
"Just what exactly did this Marcie Parker look like?" She asked softly and Regina frowned as if thinking intently.

" well she had curly redish brown hair and green eyes and she seems like she used to be a alcoholic." She whispered then Snow coughed pretending to stretch then she whispered.
"Is that her in the far corner of the room?" She asked and Regina casually turned around eyes scanning the room.

When her eyes landed on Marcie she turned back to Snow and hissed
"Yes that's her! Wolfie and I will question her while you and lover boy try and wake up Emma." She instructed and all three of them nodded confidentiality.

"Okay, just don't let her get away , I feel like I've seen her before." Snow whispered then turned on her heel and followed the nurse to where their daughter was.

To Be Continued...
Hey guys can you guess what Marcie's hiding ;)

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