What The Heck

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Emma looked at her dad confusion was written all over her face.
"Well what the heck?" Emma asked when her dad didn't answer.
"You, you're way too young to be hanging around boys!" He finally spat and Emma's whole face turned bright red.

"I... I can't believe you just said that!!" She spat angrily and David frown faltered slightly.
"I'm eleven dad! Not two! I've hung out with boys before!! Heck I've been kissed by guys before!! " Emma yelled catching the attention of blue and Snow.

"I don't care you're my responsibility now, so I say no boys!" He shouted and Emma stood on the bench so their eyes met.
"You didn't seem to want me when before the curse broke!! Otherwise you would've fought mother Superior for me but you didn't even care what she did to me! So I don't need you!" Emma yelled jumping from the bench angrily. She then turned and pulled Bae out from under the bench.

"I hate you!!" Emma spat as she started to stomp away. Snow though was quick and grabbed her around the middle.
"Not so fast there, let's all just calm down." She reasoned but David's face looked completely heart broken.

Snow sighed this was going to be a very long night.
Snow sighed as she practically dragged Emma into the apartment, followed by a glum David.
"Emma go upstairs, we'll be up in five minutes." She told her and Emma sighed as she stomped up the stairs and Snow turned to her husband.

"David you can't let what she said get to you she doesn't mean it." Snow told him gently and he sighed.
"It's not that, she said she has been kissed by a bunch of guys before." He whispered and Snow slowly sat down next to him sadly.

"I know earlier when I was checking her eye and I asked her if it hurt she said she was used to it." Snow whispered and David sighed running a hand through his hair.
"Did we do the right thing, sending her through the wardrobe, I mean she's been through so much, way too much for a little girl." He whispered.

Emma frowned from her perch at the top of the stairs. Slowly she stood and retreated back into her bedroom. She felt awful, why couldn't she keep her mouth shut obviously her parents were only trying to be good parents and she had muddled it up with her past life and she had been lying before she hadn't kissed anyone before , well anyone she wanted to kiss.

A soft knock on the door made her break out of her guilty thoughts.
"Hey Em. " her dad whispered and Emma smiled sitting up.
"Hi." She told him and he sat down on the bed.
"Emma I know you may have kissed a lot of guys-"
"No I haven't just one and he kissed me and it was in my old foster home he wanted me to kiss him and he said he'd let me have a dollar but I told him no and he did it anyway and didn't give me a dime." Emma told him and her dad smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry he took advantage of you and I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you." David whispered softly and Emma wrapped her arms around him and smiled.
"It's not your fault and I'm sorry for what I said earlier I don't hate you." Emma told him and he wrapped her in a hug tightly.

"Let's try and not fight anymore okay?" David asked and Emma nodded into his shoulder and he put both arms around her and kissed her cheek.
"There now you've been kissed twice." He teased and Emma giggled.
"Yours doesn't count." She teased and he mocked being offended.

"And why not?" He asked and Emma playfully pushed his shoulder.
"Because kisses from your dad don't count!" She told him and he smirked.
"Oh really?" He asked then began to tickle her and she squealed with laughter.

"Okay okay they count ..just stop!" She gasphed through laughter and David grinned.
"Okay then shall we go talk to your mother?" He asked and Emma nodded running down the stairs in front of him.

To Be Continued....

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