Tai Lung X Tigress (TTL)

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Type of couple: Fan fiction

Popularity: Popular

Official Name: Taigress (written), TiTa (verbal)

Guessed popularity rank: Rank 3 out of 5

Synopsis: There is a surprising amount of TTL shippers in the universe. Not nearly as much as TP or VC, but still a great amount. Most people don't ship these two since they seem an awful lot like brother and sister. Despite this though, the shipping of TTL is grown a lot, although due to a recent spike in the VC fan base, it's dropped down from rank 2 to rank 3. The reason why this couple is so popular however, has a lot to do with...um...actually, I don't know. This was the first fan fiction couple to have zero hints to it. (Although some people try to use the fight scene on the bridge....I'll let you use your own discernment). It was also the first ship couple to have two ship names since the original is difficult to say without causing confusion. This couple was involved in two ship wars, one which was called in a draw. The first one was the TiPo v.s Taigress Ship War which resulted with TiPo winning out following KFP 2. The second Ship war was Taigress v.s Shigress, which, after a long period of fighting, ended with a draw and now exists as a heated conflict amongst the fan fiction universe. (Although in hindsight, Shigress did have more leverage).

Occasions to spot this couple: Kung  Fu Panda (?)

My Opinion: This was my very first ship! Until some years later when TP tied it to first, this was my ultimate favorite couple. In fact, out of 115 fan fiction ideas, I think 67 of them are TTL romance. Yeah, I shipped this one really bad. It's my absolute favorite one besides TP! Why? I don't know...maybe it's the forbidden romance thing. I really love that stuff....

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