Tigress X Master Yijiro (TMY)

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Type of couple: Existed, fan fiction

Popularity: Unpopular

Official Name: (Has no official fan base name)

Synopsis: Similar to LuP, this fan couple surprisingly never created much of a fan base. In the episode, it was clearly evident how much Tigress admired the master, (and vice versa though some people like to combat the idea), which would naturally imply that a fan base would pop up. However, while there are a few fan arts on the couple (and I do mean a few), this couple never quite made it out of the unpopular zone. Those who do ship them admire the couple for relying on each other's strength and determination as well as respecting the other and establishing common ground and common character. But there are probably other reasons for shipping them too. You'll just have to find those people.

<Snicker> It's so funny how wiki mentions that Tigress likes him despite height. What the heck does that have to do with anything?! <ahem> Sorry....

Occasions to spot this couple: LOA: "The Way of the Prawn"

My Opinion: I actually don't mind this one. I really wish that they would bring Yijiro back so that I could see more of this ship! It's so sweet!!! I mean, how often does Tigress meet a master who's not only at her skill level and beyond, but also recites haiku poems in her honor after they just met? That she gets flattered by?! I mean....OMG, ADORABLENESS!!!!! Please bring this guy back!!! I  wanna' see more!!! 

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