Tigress X Crane (TC)

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Type of couple: Fan fiction

Popularity: Semi-popular

Official Name: (Has no official fan base name)

Synopsis: Crane and Tigress don't have many "hints" to help contribute at all to the small fan base. There are very few stories on the couple to even exist and those that do are only one shot stories someone had an idea for. TC most likely sprang up following the first movie and has several "hints" but other than that, there's not much else to go on. Admittedly, the fan base has grown slightly over the years, just recently raising it out of the unpopular ranks, but just barely.

Occasions to spot this couple: Kung Fu Panda, LOA-"Scorpion's Sting", "Crane on a Wire"

My Opinion: I am personally not a TC person. It's one of those ships that I have up there with MST. However, on a very small scale, I don't mind it. I think if they were to ever get together, it would be more like a dominating relationship, but I'm not sure, so....

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