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《Hey, people! I'm back & ready to write. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know a few things about this story before we jump on into it. Firstly, this story is between my baby, Zayn Malik & the R&B Princess, Aaliyah Haughton. Secondly, this is obvious, this is Interracial. Thirdly, this is a mature story where mature things happen. Lastly, neither of them are famous, but both can still sing circles around people. This is only really so I don't get another dm from the ever sassy wattpad again like on my other account. Lol, they straight sassed the hell out of me. Moving on, I am writing this story because I think they'd be cute together although we all know that would have never happened. At least I don't think so. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy my story & comment to let me know what you think? Vote? This is very short, deuces! ✌》

Third Person's POV

He was smoking a blunt while standing under a tree with his cousin, Jawaad when he saw her. Her being sweet little good girl, Aaliyah Haughton walking across the courtyard with her friends. She was laughing at something one of them had said when she had felt a gaze burning into her. She subtly looked around until her eyes met those of Zayn Malik's who was shamelessly staring at her. They had stared at one another until she broke eye contact and said something to her friends then headed the opposite way of her friends. He blew out smoke from the corner of his mouth so nothing would be in the way of his view of her.

He bit his lip, "Who's that, Waad?", he asked, eyes still locked on her as she walked across the courtyard. "Who?", Jawaad asked looking at his cousin. "Red tank top and baggy jeans at eleven o'clock", he responded before taking another drag from his blunt. Jawaad looked for the person fitting the description and scoffed when his eyes landed on Aaliyah before she disappeared through the doors of the medical building. Zayn raised an eyebrow looking away from the building she had gone into to him. "What's her deal?", he asked.

Jawaad tsked, "Goody two shoes that you don't want anything to do with. The girl doesn't even put out", he responded with a bitch face making Zayn burst out laughing. He scowled at his laughing cousin he only snickered as he rained in his laughter. "What's so funny?", he asked, annoyance present on his face. Zayn smirked, "She totally turned you down, didn't she?", he asked. "She was acting so stuck-up about it. I asked her out and she looked at me like I was the biggest fuckboy to hit the face of the earth or something. She obviously hasn't met you. So anyway-" Zayn may or did zone out while his cousin was telling him about his encounter with the girl that caught his eye, nodding his head and humming along to the tale.

Meanwhile, Aaliyah was sat in her class writing in her journal about the guy from the courtyard. The thing about her writing in her journal is that she doesn't just write paragraphs about her day. No, she writes songs. It's different to her though. She usually doesn't write songs about being interested in guys, only about how they are dogs and how they try to get with her. So imagine her surprise when she wrote a song about his eyes and how intense and beautiful they are. That was the day they first laid eyes upon each other and everything got started.

Zaddy's Baby Girl (BWWM) (Interracial) Where stories live. Discover now