8: ☆ Isn't Always Good☆

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《This took me a while because this is not the original chapter 8 and I was lacking direction, but I have it now. So here is a new chapter and hopefully you enjoy it! Deuces!✌

P.s. This one of the sexy chapters and this is unedited. You have been informed.》

'I'm doing thangs I never did before (did before)
Slipping on my pimping (pimping, pimping)
You hearing thangs you never heard before (heard before)
But I say girl you tripping'
-Kirko Bangz (Keep It Trill)



I am out with Zayn again for our fifth lunch date. Things between us are coming along pretty nicely. Nothing is rushed between us nor is anything forced. He makes me question everything I that previously knew about him. Like I had previously thought that he was a player, but he told me everything. He gave me one hundred percent brutal honesty and I respect that.

He is not nearly as bad as I thought he was and the more time I spend with him the more I realize how sweet he actually can be. He is still crude, but he is also very sweet. I am not talking about him paying for our lunch everytime or holding doors for me. I am talking about him walking me to my classes. Him texting me in the morning to wish me a good day. Him stopping by my dorm randomly to check up on me or to just simply spend some alone time with me.

I know what Zayn has made it seem like, but that is not the case at all. We have not been together sexually like we had at the party, but we are nearly there. It is not me not being sexually attracted to him. If anything I am too attracted to him. I just want to take my time with him. This dating thing is new to him and I do not want for neither of us to mess it up. However, a woman has needs too and I need Zayn to take care of them.

I crossed my legs under the table making sure to run my shoe up the inside of his leg as I did. I watched as his eyes darkened as he stared across the table at me. "Now was that an accident or were you trying to tell Zaddy something, baby girl?", he asked, his voice deeper an octave. I bit my lip, "Oh, I was trying to tell you something. Now it is up to you to figure out what that something is, baby boy", I responded teasingly. He licked his lips and stared at me for a moment before clearing his throat. "It's Zaddy, and are you sure, baby girl? There is no going back after this. I will absolutely lose my shit if you try to ever deny me after I take you to bed again. So I am only asking once, do you want me?", he said gruffly.

"I want and need you, Zaddy", I responded running my foot up his leg again as I uncrossed my legs. He smirked, "Is that so?", he asked. "I am not repeating myself, Zayn", I said hotly making him chuckle. "I just want to make sure that I was not trippin'. I want to make sure that we are on the same page and I am not just wishfully thinking that you want my dick buried deep inside of that pussy of yours as much as I do, babe", he responded ever so crudely. "Do you ever think before you speak or does words just escape you before you can filter them?", I questioned unamused by his response. He shrugged nonchalantly, "I always think before I speak, even when I really do not put much thought into them. I was just being honest, baby girl. I do not need sex like I need air, but sex with you just once has made me a fiend", he responded with this almost childlike sincerity.

I nodded with a hum. "I understand. I am paying for lunch this time though. You always pay and I want to pay at least once so I do not feel like a freeloader or gold digger", I said taking out my wallet from my bag. He scoffed, "Are you a gold digger?", he asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, "No", I responded. He nodded, "That's good enough for me then. I asked you out so I am paying", he said dismissively.

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