12: Broken Promises

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《Do not be upset with me for this chapter. That is all that I am going to say about it. This is unedited! Don't forget to vote/ comment, yeah? Deuces!✌

P.s. Thank you for 301 followers!😌 Got me over like 😎 with my round head self. Once again, thank you!☺》

'Can I lay by your side, next to you, you?
And make sure you're alright
I'll take care of you
I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight

I'm reaching out to you
Can you hear my call?
This hurt that I've been through
I'm missing you, missing you like crazy'
-Sam Smith (Lay Me Down)



It hurts. My body is in so much pain but I am happy to still be alive. My babies are still alive and that is what I was most concerned with. I am not saying that I do not care if I live or die, but if I had to choose between my life and my babies I would always choose their's. I know that it would have hurt Zayn and my family but hey would have moved on eventually. They would all come to terms with me being gone and life would still go on.

It made me feel so loved when I woke up to his face. He was asleep on the couch curled up under a blanket pouting in his sleep. As many times as I have told him that he pouts in his sleep he still denies that he does. If I had my phone I would take a picture of him just to show him proof and maybe show our children one-day that their daddy is still a little boy at heart. He must of have felt my stare because he began to stir from his sleep and when his big doe like eyes opened they met mine. "Hey, Zaddy", I whispered smiling softly through the pain at him.

He was still half-asleep buy the sound of my voice had him fully alert and awake in an instant. He threw the blanket off of him, long legs swinging over the edge of the couch before rising to his feet and stumbling over to the hospital bed. "Baby girl?", he whispered his voice cracking. I wanted to coo at him but I refrained from doing so. "Yes, Zayn?", I responded breathlessly then his lips were on mine. I felt moisture on my lips and I could taste salt on our lips.

I opened my eyes and a sight I did not think I would see was before me. He was crying. Zayn had tears streaming down his face as he desperately kissed me like he was afraid that I would disappear right before his very eyes. I broke the kiss cupping his face in my palms as I stared at his closed lids. "Calm down, baby", I cooed gently wiping as his tears with the pads of my thumbs before pecking him on the lips tenderly. My chest was hurting so bad but I did not to worry him further.

"I missed you, baby girl. I thought that I had lost you and...", the words seemed to die on his lips. I clenched my teeth as I reached up running my fingers over his head, my nails gently raking his peach fuzz like hair to comfort him some. "I missed you too, Zaddy", I responded trying to smile through the pain, but it must of came out as a grimace. "Fuck, did I hurt you? Are you alright, baby girl? Do yo-", I interrupted him chuckling although it pained me to do and left me breathless. He did not seem too happy about that at all. "I am so fucking happy that you can find humor in my worrying myself sick about your ass and the twins", he sneered.

I frowned clutching at my chest with one hand while placing the other over my bump. "I am sorry", I apologized and he sighed. "No. I am sorry. I was just scared and I had no right to talk to you like that when you nearly died protecting our children. I will be back. I need a smoke and I will send the doctor in here while I am gone", he said dejectedly. Before I could even get another word out he was gone leaving me alone in the room. I was hurting all over and I felt sluggish, but all I wanted was to be wrapped up in his arms. I had barely been sitting alone for five minutes before a Latina whirlwind that I call my sister and bestfriend came rushing into the room.

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