20. Circumstances

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'Pain don't hurt the same, I know
The lane I travel feels alone
But I'm moving 'til my legs give out
And I see my tears melt in the snow
But I don't wanna cry
I don't wanna cry anymore...'
-Khalid (1-800-273-8255 {Logic ft. Alessia Cara & Khalid})



It has been two weeks and still no word back from Zayn. I am tired. I have gotten little to no sleep for staying up worrying about him. So many times I have picked up the phone to call my parents. I just want their support. I want to lean on them emotionally once again.

But I knew that it would have been a bad idea. I could hear daddy bragging about how he was right about Zayn abandoning me. I could vividly hear him talking down on him. I did not want to hear that. I wanted to hear then tell me that everything would be okay. That he was somewhere safe.

So many times I almost called Zayn's parents, but I could not do it. I could not call Yaser and Trisha up in the middle of the night to tell them that their only son had gone missing. No parent wants to hear that. So that was out of the question, at least until tomorrow. I have filed a missing persons report at the police station after finding his car with his cellphone inside abandoned in the school's parking lot. I can barely keep down food I have been so worried.

"Liyah, you got to eat, honey", Karla said sitting a plate in front of me that I pushed away. The smell of the food made my stomach churn and I jump off of the bar stool waddling as fast as I could to the nearest bathroom vomiting up the bagel with cream cheese I had eaten this morning. I felt a hand on my back rubbing soothingly. It did not help much, but whomever was rubbing my back helped a bit. That was better than no help at all. I felt a sense familiarity from the person offering me comfort.

I raised my head slowly from its bowed position to come face-to-face with someone I did not expect to see before me, not for a long time. It was my dad and without a thought I launched myself into his awaiting arms and sobbed out my sorrow. He held my as tight as he could without hurting the babies while rubbing my back soothingly as he rocked us from side to side. I felt like a little girl in his arms. It felt good to be in my daddy's arms again, but it hurt under the circumstances. I cried harder as another set of arms joined in on our hug fest.

"He-He's gone. Whe-where i-i-is he? I just want him to co-come back h-h-home", I cried stuttering. I felt the arms tighten around me. "It'll be okay, baby", it was my mama. "I just want him here with me", I cried clutching onto daddy's shirt tighter in my fists. "Oh, Liyah", I heard a voice whisper before another three sets of arms joined in the hug holding me in the center of them all. It took me a while to calm down some, but I was still a hiccupping mess ten minutes later.

I could hear prayers in English, Spanish, and Urdu that had tears spilling like waterfalls from my eyes all over gain. Jawaad and Rashad had to carry me to bed in Zayn and I bedroom because I was crying so hard. I was weak and my crying only made it worse. I cried myself to sleep later waking up to the sound of voices yelling angrily. I rubbed at my eyes wiping away any crust that may have gathered in them before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and slowly making my way downstairs to see what all of the fuss was about.

"Do NOT try to tell me about my son! You don't know him! He would never do your daughter like that!", Yaser's voice spat from down the hall.

I was still half sleep, but the sound of his voice was like a bucket of ice cold water. "Baba? Mum?", I called walking as fast and cautiously as I could towards their voices. I found everyone in the living room. By everyone I mean my parents, Waad, Kar, and Zayn's parents. "Aaliyah? Come here, honey", Trisha said walking towards me with open arms that I willingly went into being embraced by her. Yaser was still having a stare down with daddy, but he eventually joined in on our embraced.

"Why did we have to find out from Karla that our son has been missing for over weeks, Aaliyah?", Yaser asked sternly making me feel like a small child. I bit my lip not being able to meet his eyes, ignoring daddy telling him that he could not talk to me like that like I was his child. All of which Yaser or Baba as I sometimes call him much like Zayn, told him to shut his ass up. Under normal circumstances I would have laughed because you have no idea how seasoned Yaser sounded in that moment. "I didn't know how to tell you. I did not want to tell you something so heartbreaking when I know how much it hurts that he is gone. I miss him so much and I try looking for him until I am cannot anymore. I barely get any sleep and I can barely eat. I need him and someone just took him away from me, from us. I am so scared, Baba and Mum", I whispered burying my face into the crook of Yaser's neck.

"We understand. We just wish that you had said something sooner. You have to take care of yourself as well Aaliyah. You are carrying our grandchildren and we want the three of you healthy. You know that our son would be so disappointed in you for not taking care of yourself", Mum scolded giving me an affectionate squeeze that it seems only a mother can properly give while in her embrace. "I know", I muttered feeling ashamed that I had put not only mine, but our children's health at risk. So I sat down and ate my plate after it had been reheated and placed before me again. I had to choke it down at times, but I finished my plate. The food itself was something I had eaten all of the time, but my babies were not going for it today.

"There we go, now drink some of your ginger mint tea, honey. I put a spoonful of honey in there to help too. When I was pregnant with Zayn I drank it all of the time to help with my nausea", mum cooed rubbing soothing circles into my aching back. "Yes, ma'am", I mumbled taking a few sips of my tea. It did not taste the best, but it was doable. The babies were not objecting and I felt my nausea lessen the more I drank. "All better?", she said in that sweet motherly tone. I nodded finishing the last of my tea.

"Yeah, but I think I am going to go lie down for a little bit", I responded rising to my feet. She nodded watching me as I slowly waddled out of the kitchen upstairs to our bedroom. I do not know how long I had been lying in he'd hugging Zayn's pillow that smelled like him still before Karla came to get me. The detective working our case was here and said that he had a lead on Zayn's whereabouts. I was up as quick as a heavily pregnant with twins woman could. Things seemed to blur together after that.

I remember going downstairs and sitting between our parents as we waited to hear the news. A video was played showing someone following and attacking Zayn. My heart fell into the pits of hell as I watched him helplessly be attacked before falling to the ground unconscious. Trisha began to sob wrapped up in Yaser's arms for her baby boy. My parents were quiet, looks of pity and sympathy ever present on their faces. I felt numb, tears streaming down my face as I cradled my bump watching his attack.

"I know that this is a tough time for everyone, especially you Aaliyah, but I have photo I want you to look at. This is a copy of the prime suspect in the case. She was seen with him moments before the attack and was wearing the exact same outfit as the attacker. Do you know this woman?", Detective Hill said before handing me a folder with the picture in it.

I opened the folder and I felt my heart stop beating. The folder slipped from my grasp as I began to hyperventilate. I was just that angry that I could not control my breathing. That bitch! She took him! She hurt my baby! How could she be so heartless!?

My chest hurt. It was hard to breathe. The world slowly began to fade around me. Voices we're muffled, too far to hear properly. I felt light as air. Then I was engulfed in darkness. Only thing on my mind when I came to surrounded by everyone was that Jamya was finally going to get hers. No more nice Liyah, for the games are officially over.

•A/N. : Please, vote & comment your thoughts on the chapter! I know the chapters have gotten shorter, I did that intentionally. Next chapter will be a long one though, as well as the climax of the story. So get your popcorn, snacks or whateva ready, because shit is goin' down next chapter! Deuces!✌️•

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