16: Baby Girl and Zaddy

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《Hey, y'all! Long time no see! I had been using Zayn's music so I decided that it was time to use Aaliyah's. Although this is a mashup, it is a really good one. One of my favorites in fact. AaliayahXPrince, it would have been epic if it actually happened. It's sad that she did not get to continue living out her dream.😧 She really had a gift. She seemed to truly be an angel & affected so many people positively. R.I.P. Baby Girl.😇 Her music will never go out of style.🎧🎵🎶🎙📻🎤

P.s. School has been kicking my ass & I am struggling big time. It is hard to write something when your mind is always elsewhere or focusing on how the hell you are going to solve this problem or that one on homework. So for the most part, this chapter is kind of a filler, but not really because it is slowly building back up drama for the next few chapters & the grand finale. Anyways, I hope that you like this chapter. Drop a comment & let me know what you think & comment while you're at it too.😉 Deuces!✌

'Turn me inside out, make my heart speak
Need no one else, you're all I need
Personality(ty) in everything you do(do)
Makes me love, everything about you
Your smile, your style, is so fly, I can't deny
I got a crush on you, and that's true indeed
I'm digging you, you make me believe'
- Aaliyah (One In A Million)



Zayn is truly something else. It has been a month since that day when he came home acting all crazy. Right now he is asleep and I am up like a creeper running my fingers through his hair as I watch him peacefully sleep. I smiled as his arm around me tightened as he snuggled closer to me burrowing his head into the crook of my neck. It is after one in the afternoon and this man is still asleep. I hate to wake him up, but our babies are power tapping on my bladder like crazy.

"Zayn?", I called softly, gently scratching his scalp with my nails as I ran my fingers through his silky raven locks. He did not even stir. "Zayn?", I called louder repeating my hand motions. Again, nothing. "Zayn, wake-up. I have to go to the bathroom", I exasperated placing my other hand on my huge bump that housed our children, rubbing it to soothe them. Once again, nothing.

I groaned grabbing him by the ears pulling his head back. He had poked out his lips in a pouting fashion scrunching up his face, but he did not wake still. I sighed, tugging on his ears. "Zayn!?", I yelled in his sleeping face startling him awake. He stared at me, eyes fluttering half open before drooping shut again. I tugged on one ear then the other shaking his head in an attempt to shake him awake.

"Baby, please!? Get up, I am begging you!", I begged releasing his ears. He wrapped his arms around my midsection scooting down some kissing my belly twice before lying his head on my bump. I fought myself to keep from smiling but I failed miserably. I smiled fondly running my fingers through his hair again. "Why are you so cute without trying?", I muttered stroking his hair.

"Because I am beautiful", he groaned nuzzling my shirt upwards so that my belly was bared to him. I giggled, his scruff tickling my belly as he continued nuzzling it. "Stop it and let me up", I cooed. "Nhm", he grumbled burying his face into my belly. "I have to pee", I whined and he chuckled peppering my belly with kisses. I smiled softly at him feeling the love as well as seeing the love that he already has for our unborn children.

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