7: The Same Old You (2)

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《I really don't have anything to say. My head has really been gone as fuck lately. I barely concentrate in class anymore and I don't know. It's not y'all problem so i'm just gone do the usual shit. Drop a vote/ comment, please! Deuces!✌

P.s. This is random, but... you're beautiful and stronger than you give yourself credit for. I'm a hypocrite for saying this, but it's true.👌》
'Time for me to move on
So many hours have gone
Heart beats the pump of my blood
No strings for you to pull on
You've got your tongue in your cheek
So pardon if I don't speak
Can't tune my chords
Into your songs, no'
-Zayn (BeFoUr)


My baby girl looks so appalled right now I could laugh. I won't though. "Mya, what's wrong with you? Why are you buggin' out on me?", my baby girl asked with a frustrated sigh. "There ain't nothing wrong with me. I was just letting you know that Zayn is mine. I mean, I thought this-", I interrupted her not caring about what she was trying to say. "Zayn does not belong to you. Zayn has no interest in you. Zayn don't give a fuck about you nor will Zayn ever. So take what I am saying to heart and fuck off, broad", I said, squinting my eyes in disgust at her. "So you gone choose this bitch over me? I thought we had something special. You led me on, got me looking like i'm stupid 'n' shit", she snapped. I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance. "What even the fuck are you talking about? I don't even know you. We never dated or anything, so what delusions are you speaking of?", I drawled, bored of this girl and her shit.

"So you don't remember back in high school? You don't remember all of the times we talked and chilled together? You don't remember how you used to text me at night about linking up without Jawaad while we were dating? You really gone stand there and try to play me, Zayn?", she questioned with an attitude. "No, but that isn't how I remember it. I remember you ruining people's happiness because you couldn't get your way. I remember you hurting my best friend who was nothing but a friend to you while you was fucking her boyfriend behind her back. I remember losing her because of you and my cousin's bullshit. I remember you making an ass out of my cousin. I remember you blowing up my phone even after I told you countless times that I was not interested in you. I remember you being a manipulative backstabbing bitch. I remember a lot about you, but sweetheart there is nothing worth me wasting my time on you for or remotely using my precious time for that involves you", I responded snidely. 

She sputtered looking like a fish out of water. I honestly have no idea why this girl will not leave me alone. I am not conceited, but I know that I look good. But I had no idea that I looked that damn good. I personally do not think that anyone is worth chasing as long as she has me. To think that I thought that women were a bit complicated is nothing compared to this girl.

"Fuck you, Zayn! You ain't shit!", she snapped shoving at my chest. Because she caught me off gaurd I stumbled a little. "Stop, Mya", Aaliyah snapped shoving her back away from me. "You just like that fat bitch, Karla. Always trying to tell me what to do and how to live my life. No wonder nobody likes your ass. You're so stuck up and mighty. You always looking down your nose at somebody like you're better than the rest of us", the ho spat making my baby girl take a step back, bumping into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her tensed body against mine. "I guess I was naive then. I actually thought that you was my friend, my best friend and here you are talking about me like a dog", she said calmly.

"She is not worth your time, baby girl, never was or will be", I whispered into her ear backing us away from her before releasing her waist and draping my arm around her shoulders. Jamya laughed humorlessly, "I'm not worth the time? That's so rich coming from someone like you. You act just as high and mighty as she does. You think your ass is God of somebody just because people stay on your dick. You ain't shit. You ain't the man. You a little bitch that hides behind a fucking persona. You just like all of these other niggas on campus", she sneered.

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