23. Only You

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'And I'ma walk these dogs so we can live
In a fat ass crib with thousands of kids
Word life, you don't need a ring to be my wife
Just be there for me and I'ma make sure we
Be livin' in the fucking lap of luxury
I'm realizing that cha didn't have to fuck with me
But cha did, now I'm going all out kid
And I got mad love to give, you my nigga'
-You're All I Need (Method Man ft. Mary J. Blidge)


"Fuck!", I shouted slamming the jug of juice down onto the counter. I had been trying to do a simple every day task. I was pouring myself a glass of something to drink, but these stupid shakes fucked everything up. I was spilling shit all over the place. More than anything I want to cry. This isn't me.

I did not used to be this way, not like this. Thanks to that bitch something so simple as this is that much harder for me to do. She nearly cracked my fucking skull open and that damaged me. I have 'the shakes' in my hands now, meaning that my hands shake uncontrollably now. I have to take pills like a fucking old man for it. I get so frustrated that I literally snap at just about any and everything.

"Do you need some hel-", my baby girl began but was rudely interrupted by me. "Fuck off, Aaliyah! I don't fuckin' need your help for everything! I'm not a fucking invalid!", I spat projecting my anger and frustration onto her once again. I snatched the roll of paper towels off of the counter ripping a couple off  beginning to clean up my mess. It was quiet while I cleaned up my mess, recapping the jug of juice placing it back in the fridge. "I was just trying to help", whispered avoiding making my gaze.

I sighed, "Just leave me alone, please? I can't deal with this shit right now", I plead to her. "I just want to help you, Zayn. Stop pushing me away", she responded completely ignoring my wishes. My jaw clenched as I tried to control my anger before I said something I would later regret. "Aaliyah, just leave me alone", I stated. "No, talk to m-", I walked out of the kitchen leaving her to chase after me in an attempt to 'finish' our conversation. The thing was, I was done with the conversation therefore it was over in my eyes.

She followed me upstairs to our bedroom wincing in pain as she attempted to keep up with me. Her wound was still healing and was very tender at the moment. So she was not recommended doing any fast or strenuous activities. Yet, here her hard headed arse is chasing after me knowing she could possibly hurt herself. "Zayn, you know your ass hear me! Stop and talk to me!", she snapped finally making it up the landing. I might be a major asshole to her but I would never let anything happen to her that I knowingly could prevent from happening. So I had waited until she made off of the stairs before continuing on my way.

She followed me into the bedroom fussing and cursing my very name as she did. I whirled around in the bathroom doorway to face her, my eyes narrowed into slits. "You better shut the fuck up, and shut the fuck up right got damn now, Aaliyah. I'm sick of your fucking pestering. Leave. Me. Alone", I spat then stepping inside of the bathroom slamming the door shut and locking it so that she could not continue getting on my nerves. I sighed in relief at finally having some space. She banged on the door but I did not open it. Instead I stripped down to the buff and took a relaxing shower.

I was tense, very tense. So much has happened in my life in such a short amount of time. I am a dad to two children I have not even seen yet, I have a woman that I cannot see not being in my life anymore, and I was kidnapped. Kidnapped by a woman that clearly needed help and was overlooked by the world. Because of said woman I might have this shit for the rest of my life. I have a scar in my hairline and on my eyebrow.

Zaddy's Baby Girl (BWWM) (Interracial) Where stories live. Discover now