21. Thunder Like Lightening

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A/N.: This is unedited! Until next time people! Comment & vote! I want to hear from you guys. I want to know your thoughts and opinions on this chapter. So comment, comment, comment! Deuces!🙋✌️

"Feels like we're on the edge right now
I wish that I could say I'm proud
I'm sorry that I let you down
Let you down
All these voices in my head get loud
I wish that I could shut them out
I'm sorry that I let you down
L-l-let you down"
-Let You Down (NF)



This crazy bitch is trying to poison me. "Nigga, open yo' mouth and eat, damn! I'm doin' yo' ungrateful ass a favor!", she snapped and I just stared at her blandly. "I ain't ask yo' crazy ass to man-nap me", I said bluntly while rolling my eyes. This chick has a whole lot of nerve. "Why won't you eat my cooking? Ain't nothin' wrong with it", she tried, bringing the spoonful of macaroni up to my mouth again. I scoffed, "I got a list of people's cooking I fuck with and you aren't on it. Why don't you just let me the fuck go so I can get back to my life?", I responded snidely.

She snapped, again. She threw the plate at the wall before jumping to her feet slapping the taste out of my damn mouth. My head was lulled to the side from the force of the hit. I groaned raising my head upright. My eyes narrowed into a glare as I stared at the crazy bitch. "You know, you could of been nicer to me. You could have let me down gently. You could have given me a chance, but just like every other nigga in the world, selfish. All of y'all are the same. I cared for you. I loved you. You lied to me. You abused me. You cheated on me. You hurt me. You used me. All of you did. Now look at me, a fuckin' mess. I hate every single one of y'all so much!", she spat staring me down as if I completely disgust her.

'The feeling's mutual, bitch', I thought bitterly, glaring back at her harsher. I wanted to roll my eyes. I really did, but I refrained. No telling just how far she is willing to go to fuck me up some more. She ran a hand through her hair while letting out a tired laugh. She rose from her seat and walked over to little bar pushed off to the far right side of the room. I watched as she opened the cabinet taking out a bottle of pills along with a bottle of Hennessy.

She gave me a flat smile a before opening the pill bottle dumping a handful of pills into her palm. I watched as she opened the bottle of alcohol and tossed the pills into her mouth chasing them with the alcohol. She drank straight from the bottle for a few seconds before slamming the bottle down onto the counter letting out a laugh. "Do you feel better?", I asked emotionlessly. She grinned walking around the bar over to me sitting on my lap straddling my thighs. "Much, Zaddy. I feel so good. Maybe we can do it together next time?", she purred rubbing herself against me. I nearly threw up.

She is clearly gone and is rubbing all up on me. She raked her nails downwards from my chest to the Hem of my jeans. Then he grasped my dick in her hand squeezing it. I let out a little squeak in surprise and pain. The bitch did not know just how tight she was squeezing my dick. She was too dazed squeezing it and mumbling about me having a pimp dick, which is false as fuck by the way. You can ask my baby girl or any of my old hoes.

Fuck, I gotta get her away from me before she makes me incapable of having anymore kids. I had planned to get my baby girl pregnant as any times as I possibly could because I have always wanted a big family of my own. We would have a bunch of brown little us' running around with thick heads of dark brown hair brown get in the wind. They'd have eyes like either of us, or maybe a combination of the both of ours. We'd more girls than we would boys and all of them will be spoiled rotten by me. My sons will protect their sisters with their lives and fuck up their shit every now and then just like any brother does their sister's shit.

Zaddy's Baby Girl (BWWM) (Interracial) Where stories live. Discover now