28. Mr. & Mrs.

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'Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you'

- Zayn (I Can't Help Falling in Love Cover)


'Zain, پیکانگ روکیں (stop pacing)'

My feet slowed to a stop bringing my pacing to an end. I looked up at my Baba letting out a sigh. "What if she backs out?", I asked beginning to pace once again. He scoffed, "Boy, this isn't even your damn wedding. Your cousin should be the one nervous", he deadpans eyeing Jawaad. He was right, but I was still anxious. I did not want to deal with an angry Karla.

She scares me. I will never admit that out loud though. Meanwhile, Ad was just casually scrolling on his phone while lying on a chaste. "I'm chillin', چچا (uncle)", he said nonchalantly. I narrowed my eyes at his big headed arse. "Man, if you don't get the hell up before you get a wrinkle in your suite I will punch dead in the fucking esophagus", I quipped. "Boy!", Baba hissed smacking me upside my head while muttering about young folks not having any respect for their elders and blaming my mum for the raise I was raised in Urdu under his breath. Ad and I both shared a look. "Ooh! We tellin'!", he chorused  before bursting out laughing at the look on my dad's face.

"Shut the hell up! That's why y'all ugly, snitching arses", he hissed. Knock! Knock! We all turned to the  door staring at it.

'Can you guys open the door? My hands are full!'

I paced over to the door opening it. A smile instantly gracing my face. "Hey, baby. Hey, princess. Hey, prince", I cooed seeing my family on the other side of the door. I took my princess from her mama kissing her on her chubby cheek. She cooed happily blowing spit bubbles. "Hey, baby. These two wanted to come see their daddy and I needed to see if you guys were ready", my baby girl responded pecking my lips.

"We Gucci, well your lad isn't", Ad called from further in the room. "Shut your arse up, Ad", I called before tickling Zaliyah's belly causing little giggles to spill from her mouth. Aaliyah chuckled, "Nervous, aren't you?", she asked. I hummed, then let out a sigh. She smiled softly, "Don't be. You got this, baby, and if it helps, pretend you are home singing to the twins and I. You guys have five minutes. Jawaad, your parents are waiting for you in the foyer", she assured me before taking her leave, leaving with Zander on her hip still. "She's a keeper son", Baba said slapping me on the back.

I hissed from the sting of his hit. "I know", I agreed adjusting Zaliayh on my hip. My princess looked adorable in her little black dress. There were flowers up top and a fluffy black tutu skirt on it. Her dress was similar to that of the one her mother wore.

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