26. Insecure-Like

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'Tell me how you love me more
And how you think I'm sexy, babe
That you don't want nobody else
You don't want this guy, you don't want that guy
You wanna touch yourself when you see me
Tell me how you love my body
And how I make you feel, babe'
-Robin Thicke (Lost Without U)


"I wove you, baby girl", I cooed blowing raspberries onto Aaliyah's stomach. She laughed mushing my face away from her stomach. "Z, stop", she laughed. "No", I denied before blowing another raspberry on her stomach. "Z-Zayn!", she shouted giggling and wiggling under me. We are lying in bed after getting the twins down for their nap.

She is lying on her back while I am lying between her legs with my head resting on her stomach, at least it had been before I had gotten the urge to hear my baby girl laugh. I love to hear her laughter, it is so airy, carefree, and infectious. I smiled against her stomach continuing to raspberry her. "Y-You gon' wake up Zander an-and Zaliyah!", she stuttered laughing. I paused my ministrations to look up at my baby girl, my chin resting on her stomach just below the small scar she had from delivering our precious gifts. I placed a kiss to her scar not missing the slight shudder she gave or the soft smile on her face as she gazed downwards at me.

"I missed this", I muttered. "Me too", she mumbled. She carded her fingers through my hair. Well she tried to, a frown on her face as her hand glided over my head. I chuckled before yelping in pain as she tugged what little hair I had sharply. "Shit, how do you do that?", I hissed resting my cheek on her stomach, a pout on my face.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Stop cutting your hair. I almost never got anything to run my fingers through. Your head be feeling like a nail buffer", she retorted completely ignoring my question. I gasped appalled. "You stay coming for me", I said shaking my head in disappointment. She scoffed, "When I was changing Zander you told him to pee on me before we put the twins down for their nap", she said affronted. I shrugged because I did and the shit was funny every time that he did.

"You really do not realize how much I must love you to put up with you half of the times", she muttered rubbing my head. I grinned burying my face into her stomach. "I love you too, baby girl", I yelled into her stomach before raspberrying it once again. Ah, there is goes again. Her laughter filled the room. Then she inevitably hit me, slapped me across my beautiful face.

When I awoke from napping I found myself alone on the bed. I went into the bathroom taking a piss before washing my hands then heading across the hallway to the twins' bedroom. When I peeped inside of the room I saw two empty cribs. 'What the hell?', I thought closing their room door. Since they were not in their room they were more than likely downstairs. I leisurely made my way downstairs to the living room where I found my family on the floor playing.

I watched as my baby girl played with the twins making faces at them every now and then making them giggle to their heart's content. I smiled softly at the sight before a thought occurred to me and my smile fell into a straight line. I walked over to the couch flopping down onto it lazily. "How long have they been up?", I asked after a while. "About an hour. How was your nap?", she responded making a face that sent the twins into a giggling fit. I stared at her, my eyes slowly taking in her entire frame.

"I can feel you burning a hole into me. What's up, Zaddy?", she said glancing over her shoulder at me. I stared a moment longer before huffing. "Okay, for real. What's wrong with you?", she asked. My eyes narrowed as I gave her another once over. "Zain!", she snapped. "Who the hell is Jonathan, Aaliyah?", I retorted.

Zaddy's Baby Girl (BWWM) (Interracial) Where stories live. Discover now