9: Say You Understand

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《Another day, another chapter. Enjoy! Don't forget to drop a vote/ comment! Deuces!✌

P.s. This song will be used at least 2 more times in 2 different stories that I am writing. 1 is loosely based off of the song & another just has a chapter with it as the song for the mood. This is unedited.》

'Won't you stay? Won't you stay?
Slowly, slowly you unfold me
But do you know me at all?
Someone told me love controls everything
But only if you know'
-Jessie Ware (Say You Love Me)



It has been a few days since I have seen my baby girl. I feel numb. She told me that she is pregnant. Pregnant with my baby and I feel like the biggest asshole that ever lived for treating her the way that I did.


When I had went to check on her I did not find her on the bed where I had left her. I had went looking for her when i heard the sound of musical and followed it. She was sitting in my music room at the piano writing in her journal.

She looked much better than she had when I had tucked her into bed and for that I was relieved

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She looked much better than she had when I had tucked her into bed and for that I was relieved. I stepped in closing the door behind myself and quietly walked over to the piano where she sat. She looked up from her writing sitting her pen in the book and closing it before I could even get a glimpse of what she was writing. "Can I help you?", she asked eyeing me suspiciously.

I licked my lips, "I came to check on you, but I see that you are feeling much better", I responded eyeing her as well. Why was she looking at me like that? She nodded, "Yeah, I do. Is there another reason for you to be hovering though?", she said, a hint of attitude present in her voice. I raised a brow at her as I stared at her. "I just wanted to spend some time with you, baby girl. What's with the attitude?", I said. She did not say anything further. She just went back to writing in her journal ignoring me.

I leaned against the piano watching her for a few minutes before deciding to leave her alone. "If you need me I will be in my room", I told her just before walking out of the door getting an answer of silence in response. I sighed and walked to me room. I went over to the shelf and grabbed one of my many sketch books before going over to my nightstand grabbing a pencil to draw with then sat on my bed. I flipped open the book, flipping through the pages before coming to a blank one and began sketching. I had no idea what I was drawing yet, but I let my hands work as if they had a mind of their own.

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