2.1: Stuck

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'Fucked and I want ya
Looked and I loved ya
Stuck, now I need ya
Hopin' I'd see ya
Touch and I feel how
Much can you see her, no
Hiding all your features, sliding down the filter
Show me, you just in the middle
Don't be hiding what you thinkin''

-Zayn (Fingers)



It has been a few months and I feel exhausted. I practically live in the studio and I barely get to see my family. I still till this day question if it is worth it anymore. I feel as if I am failing my family. I am failing my baby girl as a partner and most of all, failing my babies as a father. I am still working on my album but nothing seems to come naturally to me.

My vocals always seem to never reach their full potential. The beat is always just off by a note. The lyrics seem to never fit the mood of the song. I am honestly falling apart at the seems.


I glanced up from the sound board towards the door. There stood in the door was an unfamiliar person.

"Who wants to know?", I retorted.

"Damn, Zed. It's been a few years, but you just forgot all about your best friend that easily?", the woman responded, a familiar ascent hanging off her words.

"Gisselle?", I called in shock.

She giggled walking towards me with her arms outreached.

"Come give me a hug, boy. It's been too long. I have missed you", she said.

Without much thought I met her halfway. It felt good being in familiar arms. It gave me feeling of nostalgia.

"How have you been, Gi?", I asked as we took a seat in front of the soundboard.

"I have been good, and you? Congratulations on being signed by the way", she said with a smile.

"Thank you. I'm doing fine, I guess. What brings you here? Not to be rude, but this is a private studio", I retorted directing my attention back to the track I was working on.

The music began to play flowing through the speakers.

"That sounds pretty good", she commented nodding her head along to the music.

"Thanks. It's not where I want it to be though", I retorted with a shrug.

"Well, good thing I came when I did. Slide over and let me work my magic. Just tell me what you want to change and I got you", she said sending me a wink.

"Okay", I muttered rolling my chair over for her to have room to fully access the soundboard.

We worked for hours on end. There was no breaks and I was very satisfied with the song once we were finished with the song.

I checked the time on my phone cursing to myself. It was after two o'clock in the morning.

"Hey, you good?", Gisselle called letting out a little yawn.

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